Category: Brothers

Life Surrounded by Boys

November 10th, 2011 — 10:34pm

“J, c’mere!  Look at this,” says my 7 year old as he walks out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles and used toilet paper in his hand.

“My poop is green!”

Makes a mother proud.

6 comments » | Brothers, Living with Boys, Motherhood, parenting

Look! Shiny Thing!

March 27th, 2010 — 12:32am

No better toy for two young boys than a giant cardboard box.

They were taking turns getting under the box and hopping around like a turtle with bunny feet.  My heart swelled with pride at their ability to share.  They even managed get under the overturned box at the same time to play together.

Small Fry: Hey I’ll get under there too and you be the front lights and I’ll be the back lights (suddenly they were no longer a turbit but rather some sort of vehicle I’m guessing).

Medium Fry: Sure get under.

Small Fry: Okay let’s go.

(One poorly executed lurch forward.  Laughter erupts.  Out pop two boys.)

Small Fry: (grabbing his face) Ow!  My nose!

(Medium Fry continues laughing)

Small Fry: (standing up and looking down at the floor)  Oooh!  Stickers!!

Attention spans are so over-rated.

Comments Off on Look! Shiny Thing! | Brothers, Living with Boys, Motherhood, parenting

I’m Grateful for My Kids…Really…I am. Wha?!

August 25th, 2009 — 9:51am

So I was charged with the task of creating a video post talking about what I am grateful for in my life. Yesterday was crazy. I woke up late and rushed around the rest of the day trying to make up for it. I don’t have video skills. I knew there was no way I was going to edit up some fantastic piece in one day and properly give tribute to all of the things I’m grateful for.

But I had a video camera.

And of course I had my kids (they’re always hanging around).

What a brilliant idea! I’ll film my kids being sweet and loving and talk about how much they’ve changed my life…enriched it.

They were more interested in the cat.*

I’ve developed an enhanced sense of humor since having kids (I had to). I think that’s pretty cool.

And yes that was my underwear you saw flying behind my head. So much for the folded clothes–and my dignity.

*No children were seriously injured in the making of this video and the cat had already hidden herself far away from the crazies. Though head-butted by his younger brother, my middle son has his mother’s hard head and popped up unscathed just moments later.

5 comments » | Brothers, gratitude, gratitude challenge, Living with Boys, Motherhood, Time with My Boys, vlogging

So I’ll Remember the Answer Later

November 20th, 2007 — 10:21pm

In a few years, when eldest son is looking through his “School Days” book and asks why it smells the answer is “I don’t know” NOT that his littlest brother peed all over it when left for three minutes without a pull-up.

What? He said he “tried his hardest” to pee ten minutes earlier.

Oh yeah, and for all you worrying potty-training parents out there, he’ll be four in a few months.

13 comments » | Brothers, Motherhood, potty-training

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