Category: inauguration

1.20.09–And We Lived Happily…

January 20th, 2009 — 8:05pm

What an incredible weekend! What an incredible day!!

I’m exhausted and I’m not sure why, but I think it’s because I’ve been holding my breath for so long.

And today I exhaled.

I expected tears, but none came. There were plenty of goosebumps, but no tears–and I cry at the M&M Easter Bunny commercial every year.

Barak Obama doesn’t represent a panacea to the world’s problems to me, but the possibility of change in our country that makes me hopeful.

I tried to figure out how to convey the importance of this event to my sons. I brought the two oldest to the inaugural concert on Sunday.

We all watched the swearing in (on our feet) today.

But I don’t know if they understand.

And you know what? That’s okay. It means that they see nothing remarkable about a black man leading our country. Hopefully some day they will think nothing of a woman or someone of hispanic descent or of gay identity leading our country.

A world where my children don’t expect that all leaders are white men? Is it really true?

Now I think I may cry.

12 comments » | Barak Obama, History, inauguration, Kids, parenting

It’s Starting as an Idea

November 6th, 2008 — 9:46pm

Did you ever have an idea that you knew everyone would think was crazy?

Did you proceed with it or did you put it aside and always wonder “what if?”

Well I have an idea and I think I’m going to go for it.

There are enough regrets over missed opportunities in my past because I was too afraid to fail. Here I am trying to raise three boys to understand that failure is part of life and you have to just keep trying and yet I’ve been too afraid to fail.

Not this time.

So here it is.

I want to organize a HUGE tweet-up in conjunction with President-elect Obama’s inauguration. I want to organize it entirely using social media and relationships developed through social media. I want it to draw main stream attention to social media and Twitter. Frankly, I want it to be so big that the President-elect actually stops by to say hi.

Who am I to pull this off? I’m a mommyblogger of three, an almost 40 year old woman with a full-time job and honestly that more than qualifies me to make it happen. Right??

I won’t be able to do it alone.

I’ll need the help and connections and sponsors of fellow social media devotees and those who want to reach them, but isn’t that what social media is all about–one person starting with an idea, bringing it to the group and growing it from there.

Want to get on board?

Join up here.

I don’t know if I’ll really be able to make this happen, but I’ve been inspired by the words I keep hearing from our next President.

Yes We Can!

How can you help out??

6 comments » | Barak Obama, inauguration, tweet-up, Twitter

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