Category: Holidays

Summer Lovin’

March 29th, 2007 — 8:23pm

Happend so fast. Summer lovin’. Someone was having a blast.

Actually a number of someones.

Something about the pre-Fourth of July weekend must have been damn sexy in the late 60’s/early 70’s, because, as I’ve discovered cruising the blogosphere this week, there are a ton of last week of March babies running around.

For instance, there’s my British friend, a Pissed-Off Housewife and then Kristin’s husband. Speaking of husbands, Deb gets to celebrate hers with a husband who has culinary skills!

And there’s been some recent additions to this prestigious club as well. Check out the link. The sextuplets are ADORABLE!! And one of the kiddos over at the Circus is celebrating as well this week.

All fabulous people of course. You know how I know? Cause I’m one of them!

Thirty-six years ago tonight I was all warm and cozy, ignorant of the cold cruel world. Some time during the next 24 hours the kid–who I like to say was conceived in the back of a Trans-Am most likely to Led Zepplin–was brought into this world. Lucky for me there was an incredible women waiting for just such a baby to be born and ten short days later I was hers.
She’s been stuck with me ever since. Seriously, you should feel sorry for my mom.

Okay, enough pitiful attempts to garner some birthday wishes…we have some real love to talk about.

First, I still haven’t been asked to the prom, BUT I do have a date to BlogHer. I am going, and I’m happy to report that the southern darling Canape (pronounced in her language as can-I-pee?) has asked me and I have gladly accepted.

Are you so jealous or what?

I got the cutest girl at the event to invite ME. Can you believe it?! Yeah, me either. I’m so excited I can barely stand it, but more on BlogHer and my fabulous date later.

What I’m jazzed about at this particular moment is that we are just hours away from our first annual blog prom weekend!

Over the next three days the folks on the guest list to the right will be blogging about their prom experience, or lack of prom experience, or about proms in general (hey it’s the blogosphere–and I’m not that into rules). So join us if you’d like! And don’t worry about getting a date. You’d just dump them as soon as you got there so you could hang out with us anyway.

Tell me you’re coming and I’ll add you to the guest list. And Leah–there was no link to your blog in my comments. Email me the address and I’ll add you.

Oh, and there may be a prize, but don’t tell anyone.

Now dig out those pictures. Make new ones. Tell us about prom. And get around to meet all of the guests. Mingle dammit! That’s an order!

You wouldn’t want to disappoint a girl on her birthday. Would you?!

17 comments » | "Great" Ideas, Blogging, BlogHer, Holidays, The Cool People

A Valentine for Me?! You Shouldn’t Have!

February 10th, 2007 — 7:53pm

I found this fun widget through Slacker-Moms-R-Us. Looked sort of fun and since it’s the season and all.

Only a few days to go before the florists’ all-nighter. Are you prepared? Did you get a card for your mom? Hurry, you better get going!

Oh, and feel free to send a little love my way, cause hey, Mamma Loves Love!!

And don’t tell anyone, but she’s really hoping JJ might get wind of this and send her one!!

My Valentinr - mammaloves
Get your own valentinr

4 comments » | Holidays

HA-PPY New Year!

December 31st, 2006 — 2:36pm

Happy New Year everyone (all five of you)!

Here at Mamma’s house we’ve had a fun-filled holiday of one illness after another. I think it’s a hint that no family should spend 10 days cooped up in the same house together (can you tell I’m ready for school to start again?). Currently we have Mr. 2 recovering from a misdiagnosed case of Hand, Foot, Mouth (doc thought it was just impatigo) and now Shakey’s nursing a full blown episode of it himself. Of course, Mamma had herself a little case of strep the week before Christmas just so as no one in the family thought she couldn’t empathize. So far Mr. 4 and Mr. 10 are symptom free, but there’s still time!!

We’re on our third viewing of Cars today–Mr. 2 loves to rock out to the music and has started the trek down the long road of the male tradition of quoting movie lines. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he demands to watch Fletch over and over again.

We may be in trouble with Mr. 2 as he’s already figured out how to read the directions for his transformers so that he can insist that we change their shape over and over again. He just came up to me directions in hand to show me how to make the change that I swore couldn’t be done.

He was right. I’m sure that won’t be the last time.

So we’re off to friends for the second annual New Years Eve Fondue Extravaganza. Cheese, meat and chocolate…who can’t love that?! I’m trying out the new Mike-aritas tonight. I’m determined to have fun!

Hope you have a safe, happy and healthy new year!!!!

6 comments » | Holidays, Living with Boys, Movies

Can We Get Back Together?

December 21st, 2006 — 9:46pm

Hi [she says sheepishly]

It wasn’t you, it was me. I swear! Really! The holidays, strep throat, a rager of a cookie exchange. I just haven’t had time for a relationship. But if you’ll have me, I’m back. And this time I promise not to ignore you–even when my friends are around.

No? You won’t have me back?

What if I promise date night every Saturday night? What? You want it capped off with a guaranteed blow job too?! Ummmm. Will you promise to leave comments? And to come back to visit again? Oh, okay I guess.

God I’m so easy!

I’ve missed you guys! I would have much preferred chatting with you than lying in bed praying for a throat-a-dural. I haven’t had strep since college. I had forgotten how much fun it was. Like life isn’t busy enough with the holidays and end of the year work. It’s no fun getting all that stuff done when you actually have enough time to do it.

Shakey deserves a huge shout out–and not just because he allows me to blog embarrassing stories about him, but because he has been the total teammate this holiday season. Surprisingly, splitting up all of the items on our list has resulted in us being all ready for Christmas four days early, and I’m not quite sure how. I keep waiting to discover something we’ve completely forgotten, but so far so good. Tree-check, presents-check, relatively clean house-check, food-check, christmas lights-check, christmas cards sent, packages mailed, all kids accounted for-check, check, check. You see what I mean? Something’s got to be missing.

Are you all set for the holidays? If you’re Jewish I realize you’re already in the middle of the festival of lights. Were you ready in time?

I don’t feel like I’ve listened to enough carols yet. I think tomorrow I’ll tune all the radios to the 24 hour a day holiday music station and just OD between now and Christmas. If I don’t, I’ll end up feeling sad on the 26th that I didn’t get a chance to enjoy them.

That was my goal for this year. To enjoy the holidays. The past few years I feel like they snuck up so fast that they were here and gone before I had a chance to appreciate them. Life certainly does go by faster the older you get.

But all of this is no excuse. I shouldn’t have ignored you and I’m sorry. Really.

So the blowjobs…that a deal breaker?

2 comments » | Holidays

December 10th, 2006 — 9:55pm

Days posting in a row: 40
Number of posts ever: 100

Mood: Feeling pretty darn proud of myself

Harry’s seranading me with Christmas tunes, the smell of fresh pine is in the air, I’m sipping egg nog and the tree is decorated!!! To top it all off, this is the 100th post I’ve put up on my blog. Who would have thunk it?!

Way back in June when this all started I never knew how long I’d keep it up. I had no idea if anyone would be interested in my take on life. I had no idea how anyone would ever find this little piece of real estate, but that was before I got to know some of my favorite bloggers and couldn’t resist adding a comment or two. Of course, that was also before anyone had ever heard of NaBloPoMo which is responsible for nearly half of the posts on this here blog. What fun! What fun!

Back to Christmas.

With the help of two small elves, one medium elf who got bored and one large one the tree’s up, the lights are on and it’s mostly decorated. I’ve been waiting for the elves to go to bed to finish up. The clumping of ornaments on the bottom third of the tree only gave me visions for what the tinsel might look like. I had no idea you could actually get that many ornaments on one branch. Mrs. Claus must go around after everyone is asleep and spread them out a bit.

I love seeing people’s holiday decorations. From the choice of the outdoor lights (colored v. white, steady v. flashing, strands v. figures) to the tree (real v. artificial, white v. colored lights, theme v. a collection of ornaments, tinsel v. no tinsel, garland, v. none, angel v. star on top) you can tell a lot about a person by their decorations. Think about it. Have you ever really driven up to a friend’s house at the holidays and been surprised by how their house was decorated (or not)?

If you grew up in a real tree family, you probably can’t imagine having an artificial one. If you grew up with artificial, you probably can’t imagine why anyone would go through the hassle of buying a real one. Shakey and I are enjoying a marriage of these two backgrounds. They all said it would never work, but I think we’ve done a great job of adapting our traditions. We have a real tree every year–just like I had growing up.

Actually the tree isn’t the only difference in our background. Yeah, people used to walk on the other side of the street when they saw us coming. You could hear them whisper, “I can’t believe THEY are together. Such a shame!” You see, his family opens their presents on Christmas Eve–mine on Christmas morning. I know, it’s shocking! But America is just going to have to learn to accept diversity in all its forms.

Frankly, our children are growing up living the best of both worlds. Christmas actually begins for them at 4:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve when we sit down to our dinner at my in-laws, then to church (yeah, my family–not so much) and then back to their house to begin the present fest. We then all open presents at the EXACT SAME TIME, bundle them back up, clean up the wrapping and bows and head home to get in bed and await Santa’s visit. The next morning they start all over again. First to see what Santa delivered, then to open their stockings, then a little breakfast strudel and over to the tree for present fest v.2. In this version however we all take turns opening gifts so we can see what everyone received (I told you, Shakey and I came from very different backgrounds). Somewhere around noon we clean up the paper and bows and then get ready to stuff our faces once again. Whereas my husband was all done by Christmas morning and I had nothing to do until Christmas morning, our brood gets to enjoy both.

Who says inter-Christmas marriages don’t work?

4 comments » | Family, Holidays, Marriage

Happy Halloween

October 31st, 2006 — 9:46am

Hope you don’t get any treats like this!!
*And for the record, I’m happy to say this isn’t a self-portrait.

2 comments » | Holidays

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