Category: life lesson

Misty Water Colored Memories…

January 23rd, 2007 — 4:04pm

I’m in Florida for work–in the town I lived during highschool.

I’m not one of those folks who looks back on highschool as the best time of my life. It wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong…I made the best of it, but I suffered all the typical angst of a teenage girl. Okay, maybe a little more than the average highschool teeny bopper.

This afternoon I took some quiet time to look out over the water and just let my thoughts wander (which with three boys is a luxury in and of itself) and I was surprised by the wave of emotions that hit me.

We were so young then. We made decisions without regard to what they’d mean next week or better yet in the next decade. And as this dawned on me, I was suddenly able to let go of a number of pieces of luggage I’ve been dragging around like a favorite blanket since then (I know, I’m a slow learner, it’s been nearly twenty years). What I finally realized was that I wasn’t the only one who had no idea what I was doing. Nobody else did either, and I can’t hold it against them.

I’m feeling a little twinge of bittersweet emotions right now, but I feel lighter too.

Shit, the hotel doesn’t have a scale! I guess I’ll just go try on my tight jeans and see if they’re a little looser.

Cross your fingers for me!

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I DID Get The Worm

November 25th, 2006 — 7:18am

Day 25–The Home Stretch
Mood: Pissed off then Happy

I woke up very early this morning considering I had every opportunity to sleep in, after all it’s Saturday, my entire family is still asleep and I have no where to be. I tried to deny my wakefulness by rolling over and closing my eyes again, but I was too consumed by the thoughts of my dreams to go back to sleep. Does that ever happen to you?

My original draft of this post included some background on my dream and a description of it, but no amount of writing about it exorcised my mood.

Then my mom called. She was right there by me when all the history of my dream happened–supporting me the whole time. So I told her about it, and she truly understood why I woke up in a bad mood. She’s probably the only one who would have.

After we hung up the phone I felt so much better. I got the story off my chest, she listened patiently and validated my feelings, and I thought “jeez I was pretty stupid.” “Why didn’t I just call her in the first place?” See like I’ve said in earlier posts, my mom knows almost everything about me. She’s the kind of mom I’ve always been able to talk to–no matter what. Sometimes I take that forgranted…but today I didn’t. After our call, I went outside and stood in the sun and basked in the warmth of the unseasonably warm day and my mother’s love.

And to pay homage to this wonderful woman I promptly went inside, and before breakfast, taught my boys how to spray whipped cream on the tips of their fingers in the shape of little flowers and enjoy it without having to bother with some silly vehicle like pie.

1 comment » | Family, life lesson

Giving ‘Em The (#2) Business

November 13th, 2006 — 10:14pm

Day 13
Mood: Panic

Is it because it’s the unlucky 13th day of this little experiment? Is that why I’m staring at the screen with nothing to write? Panic is beginning to set in. I read a number of entertaining blogs on a daily basis and I always come away from the experience feeling a little less worthy of this blog, but nothing? I never have nothing to say…ask my parents, they’ll tell you.

There’s just a lot going on this week. I just wrote a whole paragraph about it, but it seemed so stupid that I had to erase it. Basically, I’m at a loss. I was hoping to have my highschool prom picture scanned into the computer for just this such instance, but alas our scanner isn’t cooperating. So I guess I’ll have to leave you with this gem.

Taken through my windshield while driving in Arlington, VA. Oh, how I miss my camera phone!

Comments Off on Giving ‘Em The (#2) Business | life lesson, random thoughts

Mamma v. the Jalapeno–And It’s the Jalapeno in a KO

October 17th, 2006 — 8:30pm

This is the story of my Saturday night. Even if I had wanted to share it at the time, it would have been impossible. For you see…I fought the Jalapeno and the Jalapeno won.

I love to garden. Grew a ton of jalapenos this year (and they’re still coming). My resourceful hubs founds a great recipe on line for cream cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapenos. We tried it once, they were great. So we planned to serve them again with my folks in town.

Rather than bitch about how hot they were because hubs neglected to remove all of the white skin, I offered to scrape out the peppers. And to cut to the chase…I did it without gloves…for easily 50 pepper halves.

You know in the beginning there was just this little spot on one finger that stung–like I might have had a paper cut or something. Then a little more of that finger started to burn. Then? Yes, I touched my eye. I mean come on. How many bad stories have you heard about idiots doing this? I thought I was avoiding my eye–but apparently I hadn’t. Because all of the sudden I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t open it, I couldn’t close it, I couldn’t touch it. And in front of my whole family, my parents, my mother-in-law, her sister, my good friends B & S (immature chuckle) and their kids. If the episode had ended there I would have learned my lesson.

But then the real pain began.

The burning spread across both of my palms and around the tops of my fingers. I barely slept at all Saturday night from the pain. It was mildly better Sunday when I woke up…until I took a shower. This fateful step somehow unleashed the oils. I couldn’t hold the hair dryer to dry my hair. I couldn’t hold the steering wheel to drive. I didn’t want anyone to talk to me. I couldn’t get to a bottle of Solarcaine fast enough. It felt like the worst sunburn you could imagine exacerbated by exposing it to the blistering sun the next day.

While my fingers were in too much pain to type, I had time to think about what I would title this entry. Here are a few of my initial thoughts…

The Depths to Which I’ll Sink for Food

Channeling My Inner Dali

Let Down in My Hour of Need

I May Now Qualify to Join the X-Men

To elaborate, Let Down in My Hour of Need was to express the sadness I encountered when my friend the Internet did not readily provide me with an antedote to my pain. People had all sorts of suggestions (soak the skin in vegetable oil, soak it in milk, rub lemon/lime juice on the burn, wear rubber gloves–as if I’m looking for that advice at this point!). It wasn’t until my final grasp for relief on Sunday morning that I found a random comment to someone’s blog (thank god for comments). The suggestion called for the use of Solarcaine. Let me just tell you…the liquid of the Gods this weekend.

As for the X-Men? Until today, I could heat up anything I touched. For a while I thought I was going to come out of the experience with a new super power, but lo it is not to be.

Did I learn a lesson? Hell yeah! I will remember this experience with more clarity then I’ll remember either of the times I was numbed from the waist down to extract a nearly nine pound kid from my belly. Probably because for that I got drugs!

So dear reader, learn from my stupidity, because otherwise…I’m just an idiot.

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