Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.“Doin’ Art”

Turning 40 this year has me taking stock of this life I’ve led so far.  I’ll admit that sixty and even thirty days ago I was on the verge of near panic about my failures as a human being, my lack of productivity and success to date–then I started writing about it and well realized I’ve been acting like an ass.

I see you nodding.  No need to agree with me so wholeheartedly.

It wasn’t writing alone that smacked me upside the head.  Call it providence, call it coincidence, call it divine intervention.  Over the past few months I’ve also been turned on to a number of blogs that focus on creativity.  I imagine I started poking around them initially to get more ideas for my photography, but I was quickly pulled in by the images and moments these people are capturing in their art.

Getting older and watching my babies bloom has me more aware of the swift wings of time (really?  swift wings of time?!–I need to get over myself).  I’ve been trying to figure out how to appreciate the everyday happenings of my life right now–to truly experience them–and how to capture them for later when I’m old and alone and gray(er) and on the verge of being eaten by my cats.   And these bloggers have inspired me.

Really this is a long-winded way of saying…


Nice Amie.  Lovely.  What the hell are they?

Duh!  Background papers.  We’re gonna use ’em for stuff.  We?  Stuff?

I’ve joined The Artistic Mother’s Art Group.

I’ve never thought of myself as artistic (and gessoed, painted, stamped and pasteled papers aside I’m not sure I am), but I gotta tell you being surrounded by paint and paper and pastels and ink and glue and having dirty artsy hands…it kinda rocks.  The kicker too is that my kids are getting into with me.  We’re sitting around the table “doin’ art” as my small fry says.

If I stop getting pedicures and suddenly change my name to Raindrop though, you gotta promise to host an intervention.

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12 Responses to ““Doin’ Art””

  1. karey m.

    oh. my. god.

    you are the cutest little thing ever. “we’re gonna use ’em for stuff.”

    dying over here. they sure are purty. can’t wait to see the stuff you use ’em for!

    i’ll wait right here. dying. xoxo.

  2. rebecca

    Cool! I’ll expect to see you participating in artomatic in some way this year :-) The earliest we’ll be having the next event will be October. Maybe your group could host a workshop or have a meet and greet coffee or happy hour? Anyone can host a happy hour there but I like the idea of a workshop or a happy hour that we can get onto the event calendar. It’s a great venue for meeting like-minded creatives who aren’t hooked into professional networks, they’re just looking to explore or grow or meet new people with skills to share.

    Anyway, what you’re doing is cool either way, but I couldn’t resist planting this idea cause, well, sucking people into artomatic is my artistic practice :-)

    btw, 40 is pretty awesome so far. No one believes you when you’re 39 anyway. Plus, now we’re back in the early category and “early 40s” sounds way sexier than “late 30s.” Or at least that’s what I’ve convinced myself. lol.


  3. Jessica (@It's my life...)

    Those are really neat! I like them, and how fun is it to “do art” with your kids?

  4. Trudy Callan

    Your papers are absolutely beautiful.


  5. JayMonster

    There is a spot on the ‘fridge waiting for some of that artwork. :-)

    I am in no way an artistic type, so I envy your passion. As long as you enjoy it… Kudos.

    As for the 40 thing… bah. Just a number.

    I’m 44 and started taking ice skating lessons to keep up with my daughter. As long as it keeps you going… it is a good thing.

  6. Thien-Kim

    That’s great! I have not done much art lately and I am craving it. I love that the kids are working along side you.

    I think everyone is creative! I think I’m going to join the Artistic Mother Workshop too. Thanks for sharing your art.

  7. Lisa

    YAY Amie!
    Being a designer, I don’t always get to be “artistic” believe it or not and I love doing that kind of stuff and getting my girls into it. I am gonna have to check out the Artistic Mom’s Group… and 40 is just a number—I agree with JayMonster.

  8. Gunfighter

    Very nice… and I agree with the lady who mentioned Artomatic, it’s a great venue to show your stuff. I got tattooed there last year (and probably will this year, too).

    As for your turning 40, don’t sweat it my friend. I am sure that you will remain fabulous.

  9. Kristen


  10. Life in Eden

    These are beautiful!

    ps – I’m dreading 40, and it is a-comin’

  11. shona Cole

    I love your background papers! so colorful. I hope you are planning to tear them up and used them in a collage or 2 😉


  12. Heather

    Your papers are beautiful! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
    And, being 40 1/2 now I can say yes… it has been pretty great!

    (by way of Trudy and the Artistic Mom’s list)

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