Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.These Are The People in MY Neighborhood

Well crap, I broke my streak. Oh well, the sleep was worth it.

So tonight’s post is all about this photo (note: close this screen now if you embarrassed by naked humans).

I received this photo initially from my boss with the subject line “Maybe I Should Try This Stuff Afterall.” As you can tell, we don’t adhere to strict PC rules in our office.

Well, I thought it was funny and sent it on to my parents who I thought would get a chuckle at it.

Mom’s response? “Hilarious…and enviable!”

Dad’s response?

“Hi, I and your Mom are outraged with that picture–when we were photographed some years ago when Pfizer was trying to develop the drug, we had a legal commitment from them that they would NEVER release it. CURSES!!! Ask your boss not to send it anywhere else, with the possible exception of the White House, and then it should be titled “Democrats at play”….. love, Dad”

It’s hard to be the funny one in my family.


9 Responses to “These Are The People in MY Neighborhood”

  1. Oh, The Joys

    Well your parents are certainly FIT!! Heh.

  2. BSuze

    That is totally hilarious. The photo AND your dad’s commentary!

  3. karrie

    Wow! That elevates Cirque du soleil to a whole other level. :)

  4. jen

    now THAT is what i call balance…

  5. Eric

    And here my dad had me believing it was HIM in that photo! Thanks for, um, exposing the truth.

  6. Anonymous

    My should be so lucky

  7. Special K ~Toni

    I am shocked! What a fabulous handstand!

  8. dawn224

    I think I love your dad just a tiny bit.

  9. OMSH


    And? I’m with dawn224… your dad is ‘da bomb.’

    too funny!

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