Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Only Six Weird Things About Me

I’ve been tagged by Kat to complete the 6 Weird Things meme. I could definitely come up with way more than six, but my mom is a reader and well I’d love for some of you to come back so…

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I can bend my pinky finger all the way down into a “c” shape without bending any of my other fingers.

2. I like to eat my grilled cheese sandwiches cut into even fractions and then dipped into syrup.

3. I’m still terribly embarrassed about a lie I told my friends in third grade about how I had to wear sunglasses because I had some eye thing. I knew they knew I was lying and I told it anyway.

4. As I’m boarding any plane, I am driven to touch the outside of the plane making an “x” and then tapping the center of the “x” three times. Ironically, this is the same “hex” I used to put on the pocket whenever a friend and I played pool. It didn’t ever work then, so I’m not sure why I’m relying on it to keep my plane aloft now.

5. I derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from popping a good zit. You know the kind that splat on the mirror? Gross, huh?

6. I have a secret crush on a man who is a grandfather.

Let’s see…who can I tag? How about Eric, Jill, QueenieBadd, Janet a.k.a. “Wonder Mom”, Dorky Dad and Lotta.


15 Responses to “Only Six Weird Things About Me”

  1. Dorky Dad

    OK, I can handle all of these … except for the syrup. That’s just gross, Mamma.

  2. Janet a.k.a. "Wonder Mom"

    Yikes…zits gross me out!!! I get them too often to like them.

    I have to think about this…I did this meme a while back and I’m debating on creating another pile of weird crap or just linking you to the old pile of weirdness…

  3. Jill

    But how is Eric ever going to trim his list down to just six? I just can’t imagine. Maybe I’ll have to borrow some of his things because, really, there’s only one weird thing that I can think of about me and it has to do with my choice of husband. πŸ˜‰

  4. Attila The Mom

    “5. I derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from popping a good zit. You know the kind that splat on the mirror? Gross, huh?”


  5. Eric

    This might take some time . . .

  6. Nomad

    Love the hex thing…Gotta like a good hex.

  7. Janet a.k.a. "Wonder Mom"

    I did it today!

  8. Kevin Charnas

    #1 made me a little weak in the knees.

    #2 made me hungry.

    #3 I used to pretend that I had a screw behind my ear that would make my vision go blurry. You actually just reminded me of it right now.

    #4 I mark an “x” over people’s private parts while I’m getting on the plane and then punch it in the middle for good luck. I also do the same when I’m mad at someone.

    #5 Me too.

    #6 Me too.

  9. Mrs. Chicky

    The zit thing? Aw yeah. Very satisfying.

  10. Terri

    Had the perfect visual of the “zit thing” …. yuk.

  11. Flawed & Disorderly

    I don’t believe you. πŸ˜‰

  12. Terri

    Not sure if I believe you either!

  13. Mamma

    What’s not to believe?

  14. Ruth Dynamite

    Grilled cheese and syrup? OK. Maybe.

  15. Terri

    Silly girl…
    you don’t need to apologize re: the asparagus????

    But it’s Thursday and I don’t believe you anyway.

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