Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Say Hey!

One of the most loyal readers here at Mamma Loves…is Mamma’s Mamma’s best friend. Rarely a day goes by that she doesn’t stop by to see if I’ve added anything new. And if she doesn’t find anything in the morning she’ll stop by a few more times during the day to see if I got my act together to put some words to the page.

When I’m at a loss for something interesting about which to write (cause lord knows nothing is that interesting to read) I experience Gail Guilt. I just know she’s going to be bummed when I haven’t left her anything new.

So despite the fact I still have nothing that really feels worth sharing, my Gail Guilt is too great.

Please, say hey to Gail! I’m pretty sure if you do she’ll check out your blogs too.

Now if I could just come up with some really juicy gossip that would make her happy. Honestly though, she’s the one who has it all.

Hi Gail!! Thanks for reading!


13 Responses to “Say Hey!”


    ML, sounds like your spirits are lifting a wee bit after last week; I’m glad. I’ve being thinking about you along with the VT folks.

    And any friend of Mamma’s is a friend of mine! So, hi, Gail!

  2. Dorky Dad

    Hi Gail!

  3. Toni

    I;m in the same boat today!

    Hi Gail! How are you doing? How’s the weather? Do you have a blog? No? Why not?

  4. Beth

    Hello to Gail.
    (Was looking for a link to your blog – you should start one if you haven’t already.)

  5. Oh, The Joys

    Hi Gail.

    (and now, I’d like to request your best “Gail” story.)

  6. Kelly

    Hi Gail. And I’m with Oh the Joys…unless of course Gail has a best Gail story of her own.

  7. QueenieB

    Hey Gail! I had such slow weekend that I’ve resorted to posting about the excitement of shaving my legs. A riveting read, let me tell you.

  8. Paige

    What’s up, Gail? Nice to meet you…you know, sort of…in a cyberspace way.

  9. viciousrumours

    *waves to Gail* It’s okay. I too have been experiencing the dreaded “blog constipation”. Couldn’t think of a damned thing to write until today. I hate that.

  10. Southern Fried Mom

    I wonder if Gail is starting to feel like Norm on “Cheers?”


  11. karrie

    Hello Gail!

  12. Housewife

    And where’s the link to Gail?

    Hi Gail!

  13. Queen of the Mayhem

    I just read about Gail! HEY! Any friend Of Mamma and Mamma’s Mamma is a friend of mine!

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