Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Where Do I Put It?

When you’re really angry at yourself, how do you work it out?

When you are the only one that you can lash out against what do you do?

How do you get it out of your system?

I can appear completely fine on the outside, but on the inside? Oh you should see the swirling.

I’m looking for some positive solutions here interwebs.

But completely inappropriate ones will be appreciated too.


32 Responses to “Where Do I Put It?”

  1. Housewife



    Both ways.

  2. andi

    Alcohol (probably totally inappropriate).

  3. canape

    I let it fester until my shoulders and neck feel like preztels and I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how much I suck.

    Oh wait. Are you asking for healthy ways to deal?

    I got nothing. Except the card from my therapist.

  4. Jean

    I so know the feeling. I clean to get the anger out. I hate cleaning, but it does seem to help for the time being.
    thats my 2…

  5. Lawyer Mama


    Oh, wait, you wanted HEALTHY ways?

    Um, yeah, I’ve got nothing.

    Although I once destroyed my bed. Not the furniture, but I ripped all the pillow cases off & the comforter & the sheets. It takes quite a bit of effort to strip a bed & it calmed me down.

  6. Charming Driver

    Unhealthy ways: Pick fights with my husband/parents/sister/dog wherein it’s both impossible to placate me OR prove me ”wrong” (or even let me have the last word because I…won’t..stop..poking which works beautifully in pulling the jedi-mind trick of me getting to say, ”See! You won’t let it gooooooooo!!”).

    Healthy ways: Eating ice cream, watching bad tv and realizing far worse things have happened to far better people than me and one day, I will suck it up and realize how lucky I actually am. Oooooh except how that epiphany never comes and instead I just watch enough bad tv to forget why I was all knotted up to begin with. That or the ice cream coma takes me out at the knees and I forgot I was mad by the time I wake up.

    In all seriousness, feel better soon and have a great weekend.

  7. JR's Thumbprints

    I go fishing all by myself … and I’ve been doing plenty of that lately.

  8. karrie

    I guess it would depend on what I did.

    What did you do? 😀

  9. Gunfighter

    Shoot ’em up fridays. What? You think it’s just for fun? Guns can be cathartic, when used responsibly.

  10. Pissed OFF Housewife

    FYI the really bad mothers never worry that they were wrong.

    It’s okay to be human.

  11. Karen

    I find something and paint it. Use a roller, and a brush, and then, when you’re done, paint it all over again. Be sloppy. Maybe even paint it a different color. And then another different color. There is a cupboard door in my kitchen that has about twenty coats of white paint on it–and a canvas in the studio that has I don’t even know how many coats or colors on it. I call it my therapy canvas.

    Fingerpainting works, too.

    Housewife is right, though. The time to worry would be when you felt as though you NEVER screwed up…

  12. Slackermommy

    A good cry in the tub and some pampering like a massage, pedicure or facial followed by a martini with a good friend.

  13. Chris H

    I go to an RPM class, (spin cycle) and do a bloody hard workout.

  14. Diesel

    I curl up with a bucket of Ben & Jerry’s, put on the Gilmore Girls, and have a good cry.

  15. Attila The Mom

    Porch. Deck chair. Pitcher of martinis. Lots of lime.

    Glasses? Who needs glasses? Get your own damn drink! 😉

    Hope everything gets better!


  16. Jenny

    I’m on board with the hard workout. Followed by martinis. Many, many martinis.

  17. Queen of the Mayhem

    Outside of the beverage idea, of which I am a great fan…..I say first of all just admitting to it can be therapeutic. There are things that I have done that I am not proud of…but have gone to great lengths to “justify away…or rationalize”. Just forcing myself to acknowledge that what I did was wrong sometimes helps me.

    Then, cut yourself some slack…you ARE human and allowed to make mistakes.

    If you want…you can email me and I will unload and make you feel about about whatever it is. Because, I can just about promise I have done something more stupid or hateful. In my worst times I have been known to be both! :)

    Hang in there…my friend! :)

  18. PunditMom

    Excellent question. Unfortunately, brooding is one of my favored techniques. And then when I get in a funk, I wonder if some medication would help.

  19. PunditMom

    Oh, yeah, a little wine never hurts, either.

  20. DangerDoll

    Mostly I eat. Not a positive solution, but it’s what I do. More stress = bigger butt.

    Also, I clean the house in my underwear while listening to some Tori Amos (excellent woe-is-me music) and shrieking along at the top of my lungs. Maybe this one IS positive. I do wait until I’m alone…

  21. Truly

    notwithstanding the red wine: name it, allow it, wallow for as long as you need to accept it and then have compassion for yourself…
    easier said than done, but that’s why the buddhists call it “practice”

  22. Dorky Dad

    Diesel: Ben & Jerry’s and Gilmore Girls?!!! What do you know about women, Diesel? Clearly, she must curl up with Haagen Dazs and watch “Desperate Housewives.” Gilmore Girls? Sheesh.

  23. Queen of the Mayhem

    I thought of something wildly inapropriate….what about retail therapy? But….since you have been bad…and must be punished (hee-hee)…buy something ugly…or that makes you look large…that’ll teach you! :)

    Wait….that’s half of my closet….damn! Should I just mail you something?

  24. BethGo


  25. Worker Mommy

    Take it out on someone else (ok, yeah totally inappropriate)

    Scream…alot :)

  26. shauna

    I got nothing. I actually took a gander to see what everyone suggested. I came and read and made a list for later reference. Good luck! And tell us which you picked!

  27. MamaM

    I wish I could tell you. But I haven’t found the solution either. Although putting holes in the walls occasionally makes me feel better. But not too constructive.

    I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Try to forgive yourself.

    Oh, and any combination of ice cream and alcohol might not be a terrible way to go.

  28. Lotta

    Go somewhere no one can hear you and yell at yourself. Sometimes hearing it said out loud makes you realize you are being too hard on yourself.

  29. Monica

    Um, I make myself sing really funny kids songs out loud really loud and end up laughing it off.


    Best to hit it with laughter I suppose.

    OH hey, listen to the song “Cotton Eye’d Joe” I think it is by “Rednex”….

    😉 I hope all is well,

    Love and Light,


  30. Rebecca

    um…smack yourself on the knees???

  31. Dorky Dad

    I usually try yelling at my boss a lot. It always makes me feel better for a while, though I have a hard time holding down a job for some reason.

  32. kristi

    Yep, I do what slacker mommy does!

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