Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.At Least This Time There Was More Excitement

The team was down 6-2. They had just come out of the bottom of the last inning holding the opposing team to no runs, and you could finally feel some energy building in the dugout.

The first three batters got on base and stayed on base. In other words, the bases were loaded.

And then my ten year-old son came up to bat.

And there was a pitch.

And there was a swing.

And the ball hit the bat perfectly.

The ball–that beautiful ball–soared over the infielders’ heads, over the outfielder’s head and straight out over the center field fence!

His first home run. A GRAND SLAM!

And I was cheering. And I was yelling. And I was trying to capture it on video. And I was jumping up and down.

And to go along with the theme of this season

I peed.

Just a little.


29 Responses to “At Least This Time There Was More Excitement”

  1. Amber

    …making it a moment you will BOTH remember forever. :-)

  2. DangerDoll

    I was right there with you, and then at the end I was laughing so hard…I was right there with you.

  3. Mrs. Incredible

    congratulations! I read your post and I peed. just a little.

  4. Blog Antagonist

    That is so awesome. My boys are baseball players too, and there is just nothing like the smack of the bat and then seeing that ball sailing into oblivion. Good for him!! I would have peed too (and have, lol).

  5. Chris H

    Ummm, can’t say I’ve ever pee’d in excitement mate!!! Hope you were ‘protected’ from shame!!!! Too funny mate.

  6. BethGo

    That sounds exactly like something I would do!

  7. Lawyer Mama


    Only a mom could say that.

  8. Midwest Mommy

    Lol, that is too funny!

  9. ~JJ!

    I would pee too…A lot.

    It’s Janet by the way…

  10. canape

    Better right there than in the port-a-potty again. I don’t want to be wheeling your butt around in a wheelchair in Chicago! (although I would if you needed me to . . .)

  11. truly

    How absolutely wonderful! Please congratulate him on behalf of several fans I know!

  12. mamatulip

    *snort* My soul sistah…

  13. Diesel

    That’s awesome! Well, not the peeing part. That’s a little gross. But the rest is awesome!

  14. Rodrigo

    Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

  15. Seattle Mamacita

    there’s nothing better than watching a mama cheer her child on especially his first home-run!

  16. MamaM

    Yay for Mr. 10! That’s so exciting-I can see why you peed.

    Keep on keepin’ it real, Mamma!

  17. Gunfighter


    (Congrats to the bambino)

  18. Worker Mommy

    As I was reading this I thought now wouldn’t that just take the cake if she peed after cheering on the homerun and lo and behold…

    Now thats sheer excitement! (I know I’ll be the same way when/if B or J has scores at any sport they may choose)

    Maybe you could just start wearing rubber pants to his games. :)

  19. Queen of the Mayhem

    Hey….if you have to be incontinent….seems like doing so immediately after your son hits a grand slam is as good a time as any! :)

  20. Oh, The Joys

    Ha ha ha! We should rename the team, The Kegels!


    But it was a happy pee! :)

  22. Dorky Dad

    I would consider your son’s first grand salami to be pee-your-pants worthy.

  23. miss bliss

    does it happen when you sneeze, too? oh, happy motherhood.

  24. Josie

    Congrats to your son on his first grand slam and to you for maintaining a theme 😉

  25. Jenny

    That is awesome!

  26. Southern Fried Mom

    I got chills when I read that… The funny things is that I was already planning to comment, “If that had been my son, I so would have peed in my pants!!!!!”

  27. PunditMom

    That’s OK — things dry fast in the summertime! Congrats on the grand slam!

  28. Ruth Dynamite

    To have all that suspense and excitement culminate in pee was too darn funny!

  29. CG

    How awesome for both you and your son.

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