Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.I Thought I Was so Cool

Here in Northern Virginia school follows the old time traditional calendar. Classes don’t begin until after Labor Day and they let out in June.

Here at Mamma’s house we have a guy starting Kindergarten next week. And while it took some time before our friend was convinced he’d actually attend, I was completely unphased as a seasoned mom convinced that everything would be fine. J has an older brother who will be a sixth grader, and we’d been through this all before. I’m on the PTA, I’ve been the class mom, I survived Colonial Days (yes it required me dressing up in period dress) and I’ve spent more money at fundraising auctions and on wrapping paper than I care to admit.

But the oddest thing happened this evening.

I was filling out all of the paperwork and questionnaires tonight and when I finished I decided to read the Kindergarten teachers’ newsletter. It was filled with much of the usual talk about “our community of learners” (oh that’s too sweet) and all kids reacting to beginning school differently (yadda yadda yadda) and then I reached this phrase: “we’re here to help them as they make their transition into the big wide world.”

And tears welled up in my eyes.

Guess I’m not so seasoned after all.


41 Responses to “I Thought I Was so Cool”

  1. Bananas

    oh man, just reading this gives me goose bumps. Our babies are growing up!

  2. Ruth Dynamite

    Just stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes. It’s what I’m doing this year as both my babies will board the school bus and stay away all day long.

  3. Attila The Mom

    Ah heck, my Little Guy started his senior year this year and I did exactly the same thing!

    You never get “too seasoned”. LOL

  4. Lawyer Mama

    Ah, sweetie, I so understand. And I’m actually relieved to hear that you don’t get too seasoned to well up. ((HUGS))

  5. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    I already have hives about sending my son into the world and it’s not for 4 more years.

  6. Mrs. Chicky

    Aw, Mama, that made me all teary.

  7. Beth

    “Seasoning” doesn’t really work for us Moms. It hurts each time one of our babies enters that big, wide world.
    At just about every stage in their lives…

  8. Nancy

    Tomorrow’s kindergarten orientation for us. I’m not sure I’m emotionally prepared.

  9. acumamakiki

    first grade starts next thursday – i know i’m not ready for my girl to be gone all day, even though i’m pushing her out the door. sigh.

  10. Paige Jennifer

    Awe, that’s cute, Mamma Bear.

  11. canape

    He’s not such a big boy yet. There is so much sweetness there.

    I wouldn’t want to let him go either though :)

  12. Worker Mommy

    I so hear you! It’s kindergarten for us next year and I just know I’ll be much the same!

  13. Kelly

    So true, so true. As a mother everyday seems to teach me that I’m not prepared for what I think I’m totally prepared for.

  14. Christine

    The youngest of my five kids just started kindergarten two weeks ago. I’m pretty sure I’ve cried every time each one of them started school. It’s just such a big milestone. And it seems to come so quickly. Of course, I was teary eyed last year when my oldest started high school. So I’m really just a bawling mess. 😉

  15. BOSSY

    Do you give Kleenex discounts?

  16. QT

    Ooh boy – where do all the crying moms go on the first day of school? You guys should all hang out together so you can lean on each other, you know?

  17. Redsy (formerly CrankMama)

    Oh Kindergarten and tears.. they definitely go together.


  18. Terri@SteelMagnolia

    It goes so fast… before you know it, you’ll be going to a graduation…

    I cried all thru Casey’s graduation b/c all I kept thinking of was… it just seemed like yesterday he was in kindi garden…

    now he’s 25 and a college grad…

    it goes sooo fast…

    (that’s why I decided to have another… DOH!)

  19. Blog Antagonist

    Hell woman, you’re never seasoned enough to stand up to all the stuff motherhood throws at you!! Mine are 12 and 9 and stuff like that still gets me. And there’s new stuff like first love, first heartbreak….

    We just have to accept that we’ll always be an emotional wreck where our children are concerned.

    Could be worse things, I suppose. Congrats on having a kindergartener!

  20. Leslie

    I can’t imagine what I’ll be like when Julia hits Kindergarten. I cried for a week when she was done breastfeeding. And I cried when she started dressing herself. And when she started potty training…

    Yeah, I’m not cool. Never have been. Not even for a minute.

  21. gorillabuns

    hopefully, NO ONE gets over the first of many with our children.

    each and every child is special in these moments.

    good luck!

    and i’ll be crying with you.

  22. Gunfighter

    All will be well, ML

    Next week, I’ll be one of the dads taking pictures on the first day of school, even though soccergirl will be starting the third grade.
    Of course, I won’t get teary-eyed, because I’m so manly and all.

  23. Em

    My youngest is starting high school this year….and it is only a little bit easier than her first day of kindergarten. It is tough letting them go.

  24. Melizzard

    I didn’t even know I was going to get all teary until I took a look at the pictures on the camera after the bus came. Then I drove to school, and went to the Boo-Hoo breakfast with the rest of the Kindergarden parents. And they gave us that damn Kissing Hand book… and it made all of us cry even more. Then I got home and read the note from her teacher thanking me for entrusting my child to her care… and I sobbed. I really had no idea all that was coming my way.

  25. goldennib

    Mine will be 21 in two weeks and she still makes me cry (in a good way.)

  26. slackermommy

    Sharing your tears, girl! Next week I’ll be sending my third child to kindergarten and I will cry like it’s my first. I’ll probably have a nervous breakdown when my last one goes to kindergarten.

  27. moosh in indy.

    I just teared up too…and my kid still poops her pants.

  28. Kevin Charnas

    Ooohhh…I can’t imagine. I’m sending you good warm, loving thoughts, Mamma.

  29. Jerseygirl89

    I’m sending my oldest to preschool soon. I’ve been excited, but I know I’m going to fall apart when I pull out of the parking lot.

  30. Mrs. Chicken

    I can’t even imagine this moment. In fact, I am freaking over preschool.


  31. my minivan is faster than yours

    I just found you through another blog :)

    My daughter just moved from 2T to 3T shirts. And I welled-up.

    I am in for a world of hurt in a few years, aren’t I?!

  32. Queen of the Mayhem

    I don’t think we ever get used to our babies growing up! I teared up when Junior Mayhem moved to the big side of preschool….or maybe it was after I signed the behavior note for him spitting at his teacher! Yeah, it was one of those times!

  33. truly

    sigh. mothers’ eyes are meant to well up. we’re all eager to hear how it goes for him this week!

  34. Girl

    Good and bad tears all balled up into one.

    I *hate* that wrapping paper.

  35. Rosie

    That was just the sweetest post!

    Big Hugs…

  36. Maureen

    Ah, the first day of school… I bawled like a baby. And daughter didn’t even notice as she charged inside to Kindergarden with her new-found best friend (and still has, now 12 years later as they enter Grade 11 together).

  37. Oh, The Joys


    Big hugs, my friend. Big hugs.


  38. Kelly


    The big wide world, indeed. So sweet.

  39. Kristin

    I feel you… how do think Eva came about?

    And Colonial Days… oh yes, the mop cap? The apron? Been there.

  40. BSuze

    I know what you mean! I’m not so sure I’m ready for my kindergarten baby to make that transition. The big wide world sounds scary….and exciting, too!

  41. PunditMom

    Yup! K is the hardest. Hope it’s going better (for you!) today!

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