Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Shelfari Is Not My Friend–Yet

Do you ever have those “oh crap!” moments?

I was invited to join Shelfari by the lovely Anne Glamore (don’t you love that name?). Well it seemed like a good idea. I love books. I love to hear what others think of books. I’m in a bookclub dammit!

What I didn’t intend to do was spam every single person I have ever exchanged an email with.

Maybe I need to just turn in my computer as Shakey so gleefully suggested (nice husband huh?), OR maybe Shelfari shouldn’t have the send button that appears at the bottom of one list apply to the list below it as well.

Should be intersesting to see what sort of conversation starter this is. Many of the people on the list don’t know who MammaLoves is. I’m hoping they won’t put two and two together. I’m not so sure I want old boyfriends reading my blog. They might find out I was faking it the whole time.

Let’s hope this Shelfari thing is worth it.

Edited to add: For any of you reading this, I was meaning to send the invitation to you. I just thought my boss, my neighbor and my old clients from a past job probably didn’t need to receive the invitation. They probably didn’t want to know about the dildos??


19 Responses to “Shelfari Is Not My Friend–Yet”

  1. Sue Doe-Nim

    It’s yer own fault.

    NEVER logon to gmail through another site.

    Silly lady.

    But I did sign up… and despite my being an LA girl they’re not picture books.


    Well cool for us! ‘Cause now I’ve joined too (and caught the mistake you made–very easy to make; they need to fix that!)

    Will see you over there, you little bookworm, you!

  3. Lotta

    See how I do your bidding!

  4. Lola Goetz

    and i thought you did it because you love me. hmph.

    becky (misspriss)

  5. gorillabuns

    i guess i should totally be offended.

    maybe, it was the twitter comment?:)

  6. Nancy

    Whether you meant to or not, I joined via your invite … it looks like a good way to find new reads.

  7. PunditMom

    Ah, THAT explains it! 😉

  8. Beth

    I’m heading to Shelfari – I’m taking my invite as legit!

  9. dawn224

    Interesting, it’s like Quechup all over again. (And I just got an invite from someone else this morning.)

  10. Misa Gracie

    sneaky-sneaky Shelfari! Though I too am taking my invite as legit and checking it out.

    (Thanks for the lesson on their send button issue too!)

  11. Lawyer Mama

    Whoops! I’m glad you wrote this though b/c I assumed the email was spam since I got 6 invites from different people yesterday. Most of whom I don’t know. Hmmmm…maybe an ex-boyfriend or two? (-;

  12. DangerDoll

    Girl, please. Everybody wants to know about the dildos. Everybody.

  13. ~JJ!

    HA! I did the same exact thing.

    Your fault.

  14. QT

    That is like one of my biggest nightmares – next to showing up at school naked.

    And yes, EVERYONE wants to know about the dildo, girl!

  15. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    I wondered if this was a spam thing! I’ve gotten oodles of Shelfari requests these past two days from LOTS o’ people.

  16. Queen of the Mayhem

    Am I a loser if I only got an invite from you? WELL! I joined….and I got two friend requests….at first I was feeling the love…now..not so much! :)

  17. Gunfighter

    No worries, Amie. I joined at your invite, and then I invited lots of others.

  18. Anne Glamore

    So sorry to everyone that I started this by making the mistake– the invitation page is VERY confusing!!!

    The worst part is that although I’m a huge book lover, and I’ll put up a link to my old book reviews soon to prove it, I only sent out the invites to make myself look more popular because a man who had dissed me accidentally friended me and I only had 3 friends at the time. GAH!!

    Serves me right. Apologies to all.

    But while we’re on, why don’t we start a community and book club or something??

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