Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Blogger Night Out

Out with some of the DC bloggers tonight. Blogging from the bar, because god forbid I miss a day of NaBloPoMo this far into it. Kris just got me a red-headed slut shot. Devra’s here along with Kim and Gunfighter. Links to come later when I’m on a screen bigger than a post-it.

Woot woot. Pretty good for my first mobile blogging foray. You all are going to be so sorry Kim taught me how to do this.


12 Responses to “Blogger Night Out”

  1. Becky

    You sometimes make me wish I lived there. Sometimes. Especially when you talk about slut shots.

  2. Madame M.

    Whoa! You guys painted the town red! Was lovely to meet you last night! :o)

  3. Nancy

    Aagh! I forgot all about the happy hour! Maybe next time.

  4. Nancy

    Good for you, a night out with bloggin’ buds and sluts.

    Wait, that doesn’t sound right, but you know what I mean.

  5. Julie Pippert

    Where are the photos? I’ve gotten no new post notices from the others so it must have been a GOOD TIME!


    Using My Words

  6. Kim

    Oh great, blame me.

    I got home at 4am. Needless to say, I’m hungover.

    We HAVE to do it again soon. I need more Mamma in my life. :)

  7. Queen of Spain

    Devra! And You! And was Sarah there!

    SO jealous I’m going to go sulk.

  8. Neil

    Call me naive, but what is a red-headed slut shot?

  9. PunditMom

    Blogging and beer goes together like …. blogging and beer? I WILL be there next time!

  10. Devra

    T’was a lovely time! I enjoyed the night with everyone. (or should I say morning? since it technically ended in the AM.)
    QofS, Sarah wasn’t there she is already in the midst of Thanksgiving hoopla. Maybe we should announce our next one 21 days in advance so you can get a cheap flight and join us?

    For the record, Kim got home 3.5 hours after me. I am not hung over, but next time I may not be so lucky if I take the metro instead of drive.

    Nancy and Punditmom, you WILL be there next time!

    Mamma, we will do this again. sooner rather than later!

  11. Lawyer Mama

    Kim got home at 4AM????? Holy Moly! What did I miss????? I want details, lady. DETAILS!

    And somebody better have brought a freaking camera.

    I’ll be there next time if I have to work 48 hours straight to do it. Damn. it.

  12. Gunfighter

    Wooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo!

    and I got to be the lucky man who hung out with these great ladies until nearly midnight!

    I would have stayed longer, but I had to spend AL DAY today at a soccer tournament!

    Good times! Good Times!

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