Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Mamma Loves to Be in the Know

I know I just got done telling you all that I’d be putting review type posts over on Maybe Mamma Loves, but it’s 11:28 p.m. and still too early in NaBloPoMo for me to drop out, so I hope you’ll humor me.

Jenny at AbBan (cute huh? I just made that up) has started a monthly feature where bloggers share their best beauty tips. Feel free to join in the fun.

If you’ve been reading along with the folks at home for any length of time, you know I have a bit of a girl crush on my esthetician (aka the best eyebrow waxer EVER!!). If I weren’t adopted and had some information about my ethnic background, I would, at this very moment, be cursing whatever heritage is responsible for my ridiculously hairy eyebrows. Minor segue: Why is my body hair so dark when the hair on top of my head insists on turning silver?

You see the thing about those caterpillar-like brows is that I did, as a consolation prize, win some fairly dark, long eyelashes (hey even the losers get lucky some time–name the artist). Since I do have these eyelashes, I like to play them up (ooh, there’s a good tip: Play up your best feature.) .

More than a decade ago, I discovered lash primer. The beauty of lash primer is that it provides your lashes with extra thickness and length and separates them leaving the mascara to provide the color. It really does make a difference.

I used to use the Estee Lauder brand as it was the only company that seemed to sell it at the time. It came in its own little tube and you’d apply it before your mascara. The problem with the Estee Lauder brand was that it was more expensive and you had to carry around an extra tube.

Then Maybelline discovered this secret that all make-up artists already knew and came up with a terrific two-in-one tube that included both and at a far lower price. Let’s just say I’ve been hooked.

Try it on. Let me know what you think. I’m a big fan.

Share your tips & tricks! Write your own Hot Mamas Know post on your blog, and then go on over to Jenny’s blog and add a link to it using her Mr. Linky. (get code for the graphic and more details on entering this event here)

I can’t wait to see what everyone shares.


12 Responses to “Mamma Loves to Be in the Know”

  1. Zaya

    I so shouldn’t be up this late reading more beauty tips, but since I am… I’ve been meaning to try lash primer forever, but it’s one of those things I always forget about and wonder if it’s really worth it. I’m glad to see it is, I’ll be picking that up next time I’m out. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Peg

    Oooh…when my current tube runs low, I’ll try it!

    And, I too have eyebrow issues. I’m a plucker. I think I pluck more than I leave behind…but I too get dark long lashes…Yes, Petty got it right…we losers do get lucky sometimes! 😉

  3. beta mom

    Great tip – I think I need to buy me some of that!
    And the eyebrow waxing – it’s the best beauty my ten dollars can buy!

  4. Lumpyheadsmom

    My only beauty tip: after you drink two beers, your companions look much, much prettier.

  5. Queen of the Mayhem

    I am going to buy that! I have been wanting to try a new mascara!

    PS: My eyebrows aren’t thick…they are just crazy! THe lady that waxed them the other day told me, “You know you have two TOTALLY different looking eyebrows!”

    Isn’t that what I am paying her to fix? HMMMMM

  6. ~JJ!

    I’ve used something similar…makes my lashes actually FEEL heavy.

  7. QT

    I will try anything on my lashes – I need to have them perfectly separated, yet looking thick. Not easy to achieve, let me tell ya!

  8. Julie Pippert

    My hairdresser. He does my brows, God love him.

    I like your mascara suggestion. Mine are blonde and fine. Makes no sense whatsoever. TG the kids got a triple layer of eyelashes that are one mile long from their dad.

    Anywho. I’ll use your tip, if I ever get around to putting on makeup again LOL.

    Using My Words

  9. Bananas

    ooh I totally must try this. I have NOTHING in the way of lashes. My four-year old son has lashes I would DIE for. The world is NOT FAIR, I say!

  10. Lawyer Mama

    Sqeeeee! I’ll have to try it! My eyelashes suck. Suck, I tell you. They need all the help I can get.

  11. Suburban Oblivion

    I may try this, but I have to tell ya it will take a lot to pull me away from my Max Factor mascara!

  12. Harried Mom of 3

    I just paid about $20 for the WORST mascara ever, clumpy, too thick and just yucky. But what to do?!? I paid so much for it! I’ll have to give yours a go though.

    Queen of Mayhem: My eyebrow lady just told me the same thing and I was sooo confused. No ones ever told me that before and I’ve had my eyebrows waxed for years!

    I’m currently all about the minerals foundation in powder form. I feel like it’s wiped away about 5 years of mistakes!

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