Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Move Along

There’s nothing here to see today. I’m terribly sorry.

I feel like crap. I’m in a super pissy mood. I just want to curl up in a ball and stare at the television, but I have some work to do.

Send virtual chicken soup.


22 Responses to “Move Along”

  1. PunditMom

    Coming your way — with lots of noodles! Feel better.

  2. Nola

    Hope your new big-ass tv is up and running for you veg in front of.

  3. witchypoo

    And chocolate. Chocolate heals so much.

  4. Chris H

    WE all need pissy days … so we can appreciate the good ones I suppose. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Wallow mate.

  5. Cristie

    You have been tagged. Please visit my blog for the rules. Thanks!

  6. Jenn

    Please don’t take offense if I send a virtual veggie burger instead.

    And chocolate.

  7. Ivy

    **hugs** I know how you feel. Sending you e-chocolate. :)

  8. MamaLee

    Oh hun. Feel better soon, chickypoo! xoxo

  9. nell

    Ugh, I could have written something very similar today. Hope you feel better soon, and that the work goes smoothly.

  10. Peg

    Oh, man…sorry to hear that–I hate those days. Here’s hoping things look up, and virtual soup is on it’s way…

  11. Kelly

    I hear ya…consider the soup sent.

  12. ~JJ!

    Oh feel better…

    Chicken Soup comin’ right up.

  13. Harried Mom of 3

    Hang in there girl! I hope today is better. We all have those blah days where the world gets us down. Margaritas are good for taking the blues away!

  14. andi

    I’ll save you some of mine. Here’s hoping tomorrow is better – for both of us.

  15. Lotta

    Having a pissy day myself. A pissy, feeling broke – should I go back to work kind of day.

    By the way, how is blogher ads working out for you?

  16. Cathy

    Pissy here too.

    Sending soup, chocolate and … cheese. (love the cheese, could live on it)

  17. Worker Mommy

    Sending virtual chicken soup and maybe a shot of whiskey or two 😉

  18. Lisa

    Screw the chicken noodle soup. Here’s the whine. Er, ah WINE! And candy. Candy makes everything better.

    Oh and the co-worker on my last post? Was a man. The father (Paul) of a friend of Craig’s worked with me. I’d gone out on a date with his son, once and told the son I wasn’t ready for any type of relationship. We hung out, and that’s how I met Craig. And the dad/my coworker (Paul), I found out later, was laughing while more of my coworkers this story. So everyone in my department knew that this guy had totally snowed me. I found out later from one of Paul’s employees– a guy who was a friend of mine. Thankfully tho, I don’t think a whole lot of people though Paul’s story was all that amusing… So there’s some backstory for you.

    Hope you start feeling better soon, sweets.

  19. flutter

    and a massage? Feel better, babe.

  20. OMSH

    I totally would, but it’d be in a can and there is nothing special about sending a can of Campbell’s…virtual or not.

    So, I’m gonna send virtual chocolate instead – or maybe a virtual margarita – frozen – with lime.

    And then join you.

  21. Dorky Dad

    DAMMIT! Is it too late for virtual chicken soup? Do they sell that on Facebook?

  22. karrie

    I’m late, but I have a big pile of trashy magazines and some raspberry earl grey tea.

    Hope you’re feeling better today!

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