Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.The First Step Is…

Lotta and I have had a little encounter group going on. The first step is admitting your problems, right? Well we came clean with one another, so of course, because we’re bloggers, a button was developed to commemorate the event.

I have been bad at leaving comments lately. I’ve been addicted to Stumble Upon and I’ve been reading your blogs in my reader, but I know I need to be better. I love the community that I can be part of as a blogger and to be part of the community I need to give back.

Please know that if you haven’t heard from me in a while it’s not because I don’t love what you’re writing. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

I’m looking forward to the Thanksgiving break to get caught up. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing comments from me on posts you wrote weeks ago.

Oh, feel free to steal the button too. The first step is admitting your problem.


20 Responses to “The First Step Is…”

  1. coolbeans

    I’ve been trying to say something on at least one or two posts per regular stop a week. There’s an idea that a comment should continue the conversation. That’s nice, but mostly I want you to say, “Hey, I read the whole thing. You go, you.” You know?

    So, Hey! I read the whole thing. You go, you.

  2. andi

    Oh, Mamma. I know you’re there – not to worry. Life gets in the way for us all sometimes. And that’s a good thing.

  3. Jozet at Halushki


    That’s a funny button, lol!

    I just started putting out again. I was blaming the third baby on my frigidity. But along with ther return of my period came the return of my sex drive…I mean, blog comments.

  4. karrie

    That’s me, right now, all around. :-)

    Andi’s right. Life gets in the way. (And holy hell, I somehow have forgotten to visit P&C in ages. Sorry!)

    Mamma,I know you’re here, know you sometimes read, so no guilt about commenting. I grant you a pass to never comment again,guilt free, if it helps lessen the load. :)

    In fact, I’ve thought about joining the folks who turn off comments, and would do it, if I did not enjoy the silly conversations that often result.

  5. ~JJ!

    I SO understand!

  6. Cara

    I can totally relate.
    Looking forward to the Holiday break to do some catching up in my reader!

  7. Nancy

    That button is perfect!

    I sometimes wonder if people think I have no life because I leave comments most every visit, and I visit a lot of blogs (wait maybe I DON’T have a life) *wink*

  8. Julie Pippert

    Eh this is how it goes sometimes.

    And that Lotta…what an initiator of self-help groups! Architect Widows for me and Comment Frigid for you, LOL!

    Using My Words

  9. Becky

    Hi, I’m Becky, and I’m a reader-feeder agoraphobiac.

  10. Maureen

    Sometimes I just don’t know what to say, so I type “I just don’t know what to say” instead of typing something worthwhile to add to the conversation….

    Wow, what a waste of a comment. I may need a whole new button designed.

  11. Kelly

    I’m sooo stealing that button. I’ve been so bad lately. I keep blaming it Nablopomo… But really, it’s just me.

  12. Lawyer Mama

    I need that button too. I’ve been incredibly bad lately.

  13. Kim

    I couldn’t put that button on my blog. Everyone knows I put out.

    OH! You mean comments!

  14. Christina

    Love, love, love that button! And it describes me so well recently. My girls and going to school have set me back so far I don’t know how I’ll ever dig out of my Bloglines.

  15. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    Life should get in the way of blogging.

    Love the button! I think I may use it!

  16. Paige

    Let me join your comment frigid club. I’m not always as good as I should be about reciprocating, but I’m working on it.

  17. Mrs. Chicken

    Totally stealing this button. I’ve been terrible lately. I barely have time to bathe.

  18. Kristin

    SUCH a great button and yes, I hear you… I am pretty crap a commenting these days as well…

  19. Peg

    Another frigid gal here…

    I’m loving the button! I’m considering putting it up…LOL

  20. canape

    Ha! That’s what I’m doing right now. Catching up.

    There are some, like you, that I don’t ever want to skim through, so I save you up for when I really have time to read.

    Some times, that takes awhile. But when I get to sit down, it feels like a good long chat with you.

    So by the way, I’ve missed you :)

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