Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.And He Didn’t Even Need the Liquid Kevlar

Following a line of reasoning I haven’t quite wrapped my own head around, Mr. 3 is feeling even more invincible now that I’ve convinced him not to wear Pull-Ups today.

Up on the bench in my kitchen, squaring up to his brother:

Mr. 3 to Mr. 5: Punch me in my penis.

What is this boy going to be like in college??


19 Responses to “And He Didn’t Even Need the Liquid Kevlar”

  1. Nancy

    lol, and so it begins!

  2. Nola (

    Glad I have a daughter 😛

  3. Queen of the Mayhem

    Dude….this boy is TOUGH! :)

    He will so be the one smashing beer cans on his head in college! :)

  4. slouching mom

    How did Mr. 5 respond?

  5. Beth

    Hope Mr. 5 didn’t take him up on the offer.
    I think by the time Mr. 3 is in college, he will have learned to protect the jewels!

  6. Julie Pippert

    Holy cow and then what happened?!?!

  7. ~JJ!

    Sounds like I guy I dated once….

  8. Kelly

    LOL…I just even don’t know how to respond to this one!

  9. bellevelma


  10. Wendy

    Future frat boy.

  11. Karly

    Dude! If I had a penis I would much rather be punched there when I was wearing the pull-up! Not after I’d taken it off!

  12. Gunfighter

    When I was 3, I didn’t know the word penic… he’ll be OK by the time he gets to college… you only use that line once or twice before you figure that getting punched in the goodies is bad juju.

  13. PunditMom

    Boy of steel? 😉

  14. pootandcubby

    Ha ha. My own Miss 3 used to ask to be spanked. Who are these kids that live in our houses?


  15. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    Sounds like he is ready for the rugby team.

  16. Cara

    Boys are so occupied with their body parts. I hear that is doesn’t end even as they get older.

  17. Dorky Dad

    PUNCH ME IN MY PENIS? Oh man. He deserves what he gets. He’ll learn.


    And yes, college is going to be bad. You might want to send him in body armor.

  18. Bayou Belle


  19. Lisa

    I’m with Sarah. Rugby. All the way.

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