Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Sick in Bed and Torturing Myself

After assuming the horizontal position for most of the last sixty hours with a fever and sinus pain that made me consider poking my eardrums with sharp scissors just to relieve the pain, I am now watching The Wedding Date for the second time in a row.

Now I’m willing to concede that it may be that I’ve been staring at the same four walls for the last two and a half days (or not) but DAMN Dermot Mulroney is H-O-T hot!

Why else would I be watching this for the second time today?

Debra Messing’s cute nose?


The hair.

The eyes.

That sexy scar.

I think I have a thing for brunettes.

Sheesh! I’m still boy crazy at 37. Not really. But it’s fun to look.


18 Responses to “Sick in Bed and Torturing Myself”

  1. Christine

    I’m with you. He is a cutie. I loved him in My Best Friend’s Wedding.

    Hope you start feeling better. Keep those sharp objects out of reach. 😉

  2. pootandcubby

    Is it wrong that I’m jealous of your illness? Just today I was wishing to be sick so I could lay in bed and do nothing. All day. Sounds like heaven (well, minus the sickness). Hope you get better soon.


  3. Bananas

    Dermot makes me drool big-time. He’s in my top 5. Hope you get feeling better soon!!

  4. Kimberly

    Will you not be there tonight? Awwwww! I hope you feel better!

  5. Amy U.

    I like that movie a lot. It’s really beautifully filmed, if I remember correctly. And he is super hot in that movie, especially in the “boat” scene…

    Feel better!


  6. Paige Jennifer

    At least you had a reason for watching it – illness prevented you from making an intelligent decision. Me? Yeah, I’ve got nothing. And yet I was captivated.

    Feel better soon so we can make a playdate!!!

  7. PunditMom

    Yuck! Feel better. Sorry if we’ll miss you tonite, but at least you have Dermott! 😉

  8. canape

    Boo on being sick! I hope you feel better soon – before you break out the Sandra Bullock films.

  9. Nancy

    Nothing wrong with being boy crazy …. even at 52 =)

    I hope you feel better. I am at the end (I hope) of a long snotty month myself.

  10. Heather, Queen of Shake-Shake

    I hope you feel better soon.

    And me, I’m still boy crazy.

  11. Redneck Mommy

    Yummy, Dermot. Let me wipe the drool away from thinking about him…

    Feel better soon!

  12. CresceNet

    Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  13. Slackermommy

    I think it’s great. Keeps you young. I hope I’m still boy crazy at 80!

  14. Kristi

    Mamma and Dermott sittin’ in a tree…

  15. Vicky

    So I join you in the sickness. Augh. Monday night just did my tiny cold in and turned it into a raging chest whatever. Goop. Ick.

    Waterbury huh? I’m from RI but my family now resides in beautiful Preston. I’m up there often. It was great meeting you Monday!

  16. Kim

    Aw, horizontal for 60 hours and not the fun way. Poor Mamma. Hope you feel better soon.

  17. karrie

    Andi beat me to it. :-) Hope you’re feeling better!

  18. Kelly

    I’ve always found him exceedingly hot. Scruffy and yummy.

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