Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.It Was Only A Matter of Time

In a discussion this evening regarding his new sneakers:

Mr. Sixth Grade: Mom, you wouldn’t know cool if it hit you in the butt.

Mr. Sixth Grade: I mean maybe in the 70’s or something*, but not now.

Then again, earlier this evening he threatened his younger brother saying that he wished he could “summon a magical unicorn to silence him” or he might be forced to use his “curls of fury.”

I may not be cool, but I am smart enough to record these conversations for future embarrassment.

*Would you take a look at the size of that swish.


14 Responses to “It Was Only A Matter of Time”

  1. Stimey

    Oh, man, there is going to be hell to pay when these kids get old enough to really hate us for blogging all their hilarious sayings. I just know my site will be brought up when they’re having the “do we put her in a nursing home or lovingly care for her in our own homes” conversation.

  2. pootandcubby

    The unicorn and “curls of fury” comments kill me! I may have to adopt them myself- ironically, of course. :)


  3. Kevin Charnas

    In time, he’s going to realize how TRULY COOL his Mom really is. And then he’s going to be thankful.

    Until then, I believe pepper spray works nicely on such outbursts.

    I love pepper spray.

  4. Redneck Mommy

    I too, use my blog for future black mail opportunities.

    It’s the right of motherhood, I say.

  5. Shalet

    I leave my hubbie to buy the 6th grade boy shoes. I, as I have been told over and over, am not cool. This so reminds me of conversations I overhear on the way to school – such a fragile place, not quite a man and not a child either. Black mail away!

  6. Lawyer Mama

    “curls of fury” I love that!

    Our kids are really going to hate us some day….

  7. Paull Young

    This post makes me very glad that my mum only started blogging when I was 23…

  8. Kimberly

    My 12 year old is known for saying “You’re not going to put that on your blog, are you?”.

    Ummm, yeah.

  9. Beth

    Your son has a great command of the English language! (Be proud.)

  10. kristen

    i’m so ready for this moment, when my girl thinks i’m uncool. she already put the kabash on my dance moves, sigh.

  11. Paige Jennifer

    I so could have used some unicorns to silence my coworkers last week.

  12. Auds

    “Curls of furry” I love it!!!!! Awesome stuff. I can just see The Little Imp (my two year old) eventually using that against the hubby or I…or even her older siblings when they come home for college breaks! *lol*

    Actually though, if we’re being honest, her “curls of furry” are utter curls of FRUSTRATION right now because, whilst I may have prayed daily for the first year of her life when she was totally bald and without ANY hair, that she’d get some hair….I can’t do a dang thing with all the curls!!!!!

    Love your blog!


  13. CatScratch Diva

    Yes, yes, yes!!! As the mother of two 17 year old drama llamas, I can say I’ve plenty of ammo and I use it often!

  14. karrie

    Is it wrong of me to like those sneakers? I want to wear them with a pair of faded cords and ride my banana seat bike over a ramp while my ponytails flap in the wind.

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