Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Perfectly…

Clean margins!!!

Many days I look at the news, and I want to go and bury my head in the sand. What kind of world have we created for our children?? We work hard to teach them to play fair and be kind to others and then I look around at the adults in the news and wonder what role models they have.

And then I read WhyMommy and the hundreds of bloggers who have been supporting her throughout her battle with breast cancer and I breathe a sigh of relief. There are good people in the world. And their energy and love and caring for another they’ve never met renews my faith in the possibilities for good.

Susan has written so many posts over the past eight months that have inspired me, but this one really spoke to me–made me cry. So to Susan I bestow my nomination for the January 08 Perfect Post Award.


The Perfect Post awards are sponsored each month by the lovely Kim and Lindsay. If you’d like to present an award next month, e-mail them and they’ll send you the latest award button code a few days before the 1st. If you’re interested in looking through past award posts, they can be found here.


8 Responses to “Perfectly…”

  1. Nancy

    clean margins … music to the soul on many levels.

    This month, my mother also had breast cancer surgery … clean margins


  2. ~JJ!

    She is awesome!

    So are you.

  3. slackermommy

    She certainly is an inspiration.

  4. Bayou Belle

    I will read her post later when kids go to bed and I can concentrate. But a point about the news. I stopped watching because it is so depressing. They have nothing good to say.When will someone start a tv news network that ONLY reports on the good things in our world/life/state/country/community? Ever?

  5. toddlerplanet

    Thank you, Mamma! The goodness of people never ceases to amaze me.

  6. pootandcubby

    Excellent choice for Perfect Post. I was so excited to hear her news that I got all teary. I hope she makes a full recovery.


  7. Amy S.

    That is a beautiful post. Good call on the nomination.

  8. slouching mom

    She’s an inspiration to each and every one of us.

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