Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Where in the World is Mamma? A Contest

Have you missed me? Lie to me and say yes.

I’m out of town, I have some HP photobooks to give away and I’ve been taking photos with my new camera, so I thought why not a contest.

Here’s how we’ll do it. I’ll post photos over the next few days with progressively easier clues. Everyone who provides the correct city will be entered into a drawing for one photobook. Then to make things fun, there is a second way to win.

Because Jenny likes rhyming, you can win by posting a rhyme about where you think I may be. You don’t even have to identify the correct location. If I love your rhyme, you’ll win. Just post your rhyme on your blog and link back to this post. Add your name to the Mr. Linky below to let everyone enjoy your rhyme. Please make sure you link directly to your post and not to your home page. You have until Sunday at midnight EST to enter.

Okay, so you ready?

Here’s the first clue.


9 Responses to “Where in the World is Mamma? A Contest”

  1. Nancy

    I know where you are … but I’ll not say on the first clue =)

  2. Catherine Morgan

    I wanted you to know, that I nominated you for Women’s Voices Making History. Your blog is on my list of over 300 women blogging about politics, and I am currently going through it, and nominating blogs that I think are most worthy. Anyone can nominate a blogger, so if you have others you would like to nominate, all you have to do is go to the site at Women’s Voices, Women Vote. :-)



  3. Amy

    OK. Since I’m part of a corporate blog, my blog entry can’t be posted until Monday for me to link to. So instead, since I figured out the location I thought I’d give a rhyme with another clue (without giving it all away so others can still have fun). Here it is:

    Not far from Mickey
    This chapel does lay
    For weddings galore
    So pretty by day

    (OK. so it’s not the BEST rhyme, but I’ll plead tiredness; I had a better rhyme for the last line, but that would’ve been too obvious)

    — Amy (from Gracobaby)

  4. melane

    are you in st Petersburg Florida?

  5. Nola

    Tampa, Fl?

    Sorry no rhyme. It’s late…. Hope you enjoy where ever you are!

    Do you see Waldo?

  6. Sue

    The chapel floats
    Among the boats
    Ticky tacky
    Mamma’s wacky

    If Mickey’s sleeping
    The kids are weeping

    Disneyland is so grand
    But on the East Coast
    The one they love the most
    Is Disneyworld
    The kids hurled
    After eating gobs of sweets
    On Disney’s Streets

    So Momma I want the prize
    Simply check out my reply.

    (Dumb ass rhyme)

  7. andi

    I’m so borida,
    I wish I were in Florida.

    Worst. Rhyme. Ever.

    And yes, I realize “Florida” is not exactly specific, but that is all I could think of when I saw the pink buildings on your next post.

  8. karrie

    Darn–so many correct answers. And here I was all excited because I was there too recently.

  9. . . . Dallas Meow . . . . >^^< . . .

    my guess is also tampa

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