Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Tell Me How I Did It

I know I owe you some winners from last week’s contest. I know you’re just dying to know where I was, but first I need to fill you in on a little thing that took place while I was away.

Yep! I broke my ankle.

And that dark stuff on my foot? I swear it’s not dirt! Just some se-xy bruises.

Since I just love giving stuff away (I’d be happy to give you this cast, really), I have a great prize for the most entertaining story describing how I’ve found myself in this predicament. Write the story (please, because I need one) on your blog and link back to this post and I’ll pick the winner at the end of the week.


30 Responses to “Tell Me How I Did It”

  1. Nancy

    Sorry for the break but at least you have a nice pedi and pretty/even toes!

  2. Cathy

    Ow! Hope you heal quickly. And I agree — better your nicely painted toes than mine in a doctor’s office.

    Not that I wish this on you, but oh, they would collapse in horror at the sight of my winter feet.

  3. Bananas

    NOOOOOOOOO!!!! that’s awful!

    (did you kick someone in a fit of rage?)

  4. Beth

    Can’t come up with any great story, but nice pedicure!
    The black and blue goes well with the red nail polish…

  5. ~JJ!

    Even after that trauma, that pedi is gorgeous.

  6. andi

    Those are some sexy bruises. So sorry for the break, Mamma. :(

  7. Erika Jurney, Plain Jane Mom

    WHAT?? Well, at least your toes look nice.

    I’d say you broke your ankle tripping some little chickie who was between you and your ruby red polish :)

    Get better soon!

  8. Paige Jennifer

    Girl, the first time we met you were hobbling around on a crapped out foot. Maybe you should retire those sexy red pumps….? Nah.

  9. Kimberly

    I just feel awful for you!! You do have sexy toes though…so you’ve got that working for ya 😉

    What do I think happened? It’s obvious. You were drunk and slipped on a banana peel.

  10. Chicky Chicky Baby

    That sucks hon.

    I’d like to think you slipped on some sort of wheeled toy, like in the cartoons, and you road that sucker all through the house before crashing into the wall someplace off camera and all the audience could see was @#$@#&*%!!! Because I’m sure your injury was totally G-rated.

  11. Table for Five

    Oh, OW. I think you were walking through the house and just accidentally kicked the bottom of a piece of furniture. Like, the sideboard or something. Your poor bruised toes!

  12. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    I think you were wasted and dancing on a table in Ybor and you slipped off.

  13. TX Poppet

    I suspect it may have somethng to do with a catwoman outfit, the top of a chest of drawers, a whip and a ceiling fan… or maybe that’s just me?

    Hope you heal quickly, sweetie.

  14. PunditMom

    Well, at least you got an excuse for a nice pedi?? 😉

    Feel better.=!

  15. Sue Doe-Nim

    If it involves a trapeze and your husband I think I know the story already.

    Really, do we need to write that for the world to see?

  16. Harried Mom of #

    My guess is that you were heading for the blender to mix up another batch of margaritas, when you heard the dryer beep and realized that you needed to change the laundry. You headed to the laundry room only to notice that there were four coats lying on the floor in your foyer that needed to be picked up. You headed over, picked up the coats, turned to head back to the dryer when the phone rang. As you answered the phone, while moving to your laundry room, you realized your little one had pooped his pants, requiring immediate attention. So while talking on the phone, carrying the child and moving up the stairs, you tripped breaking your ankle. In great pain, you still cleaned up the kid, changed the laundry, finished the phone call, whipped up the margaritas (for the pain, of course) before heading off to the emergency room (with all kids in tow because the hubby wasn’t home).

    Am I close?

  17. Harried Mom of 3

    If you need to find me, I’m a Liberal Lady!

  18. slackermommy

    Here’s my post:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  19. dawn

    Putting on sexy underwear can really be dangerous can’t it.

  20. Mitch McDad

    Well. At least your toenails are painted all pretty like.


    Who needs ankles when you’ve got toenails like that!

  22. Lisa

    Oh those bruises! Oy lady.

    But your toenails sure look pretty.

  23. Redneck Mommy

    Look at you…rocking the broken ankle. Who says casts aren’t sexy?

    Hope you heal quickly!

  24. Amy

    Bummer to get the cast on vaca! Hopefully you can work it to get breakfast in bed a couple of times!

    –Amy (from Gracobaby)

  25. Devra

    Given the topic of our conversation last night at Happy Hour, I can only imagine someone must have dropped Ron Jeremy on your foot.

    Oh, and the only reason I know who Ron Jeremy is? Because when I worked with B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, every year we would have a group of high school boys trying to get away with naming their chapter “Ron Jeremy #69” and have the rooster as their chapter mascot.

  26. slouching mom

    Oh, poor you.

    I know. I’ve been there.

  27. Karen


    How about how I broke my ankle at the end of November saving an obnoxious goat? You’re welcome to borrow it–I wrote about it on my blog–

    Hope it gets better quick. A broken ankle really sucks.

  28. Anonymous

    you could be stupid like i was and roll it doing flips off of a trampoline onto the ground…It was fun before i broke my ankle if it matters at all.

    anyway hope you heel fast. good luck.

  29. Anonymous

    those toes are so sexy sticking out of that cast. sorry for the broken ankle, so did we ever find out how you snapped it and landed yourself in that cast?

  30. Mike

    Nice toes as others have commented! I hope you enjoy the attention the cast brought you.

    Would you do another cast for fun & attention?

    Do you always keep your toes looking that good and do you dare to wear a toe ring?

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