Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.The Lesser of Two Evils

As I left for my physical today, I stopped for a moment and wondered.

Which am I looking forward to the least–stepping on the scale or getting a
PAP smear?

The PAP? Wasn’t the worst I had.



23 Responses to “The Lesser of Two Evils”

  1. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    I’d rather have the PAP.

  2. Blog Antagonist

    I haven’t had a pap smear in years. I know. Shame on me. But that’s how much I loathe them. the scale doesn’t bother me. I already know I’m fat.

  3. Lawyer Mama

    I’ve been missing you too. xoxo

    And I’d rather have the pap too. That’s more action than I’ve gotten in a week!

  4. De in D.C.

    When pregnant it’s amazing how used to those things you can get. Once a month, then once a week, then once a day if you’re unlucky! Many years postpartum, it came as a shock last visit how unused to them I had become.

    I hope both parts of the physical went better than expected.

  5. Lisa

    Like Blog Antagonist, I haven’t done one of those in a while — gah!

    As for which is worse – scale or Pap? TOUGH question.

    Hope all went well.

  6. Beth

    For years I’ve been telling my doctor that her scale is off. Why doesn’t she believe me??

  7. Mitch McDad

    I hate Pap schmears too. I prefer schmears on my bagels.

  8. Lotta

    I understand. I went to the back Dr. yesterday and when the nurse asked me to step on the scale I totally started babbling about how I was on weight watchers and could just tell her. No go.

  9. Claudia

    Oooh, talk about a conundrum. Hmmmmm…I’d rather face the scale.

  10. Paige Jennifer

    I have a getting weighed rule. I’ll stand on the scale but (a) I won’t look at the number and (b) I don’t want to be told the number. I only want to know if it is higher or lower than my last visit.

    Ah, the games we play to remain relatively sane…

  11. Bananas

    Last time I went in the nurse ASKED me my weight and didn’t make me get on the scale. I almost french-kissed her.

  12. Procrastamom

    Now you’ve reminded me to make an appointment…thanks, I think.

    I actually refuse the scale, as my weight has nothing to do with the state of my uterus. I’m not pregnant, so they don’t need to make sure I’m gaining/losing properly.

  13. andi

    Another vote for preferring the pap… The scale and I haven’t had a meeting since before the baby was born. I’m too afraid that he’ll yell at me.

  14. Stimey

    The scale sucks. I went to the doctor today and when the nurse told me to step on the thing, I said, “But I don’t wanna.”

    She made me do it anyway.

  15. nola

    I’d rather the pap, too. Sad that we women have such a strong hatred of the scale!

  16. Kristin

    PAP – no question.

  17. Worker Mommy

    The lesser of two evils. They are both evil as hell. I’m not sure there is a lesser.

    I wonder if I could just opt out all together ?

  18. liv

    i’m gonna go with the scale. the invasive of the other is well, ewww.

  19. Julie Pippert

    After a pap a month for years? Pap. Easy answer.

    I’d take that over eye doctor and dentist, too.

    Always good to see a post from you. :)

  20. Scary Mommy

    I could not agree more.

  21. OMSH

    Here’s what I want to know…WHY do they have to call it a Pap SMEAR?

    Is that some sort of joke?


    Where else can a woman go and get something that resembles a shoe horn that mated with egg beaters crammed into their softest netherest regions?

    And who came up with the dual setting. It’s like they put it in and set you up on “low” and then ratchet it up (like they’re changing a tire).

    I can imagine the conversations.

    I know we aren’t all the same, but really – WHAT EXACTLY DOES ONE NEED TO SEE if they are just…y’know, getting a “smear”.

    I hurt just thinking about this.

  22. Day Dreamer

    A pap sounds rather nice in comparison.

    The last time I got pregnant, I told that cute, skinny little nurse that I didn’t want to know my weight, she could keep it to herself, thankyouverymuch! Why be depressed!?

    I don’t know now, I don’t that number will help me in any way! LOL!

  23. Scout's Honor

    Definitely the scale. That was the part I always hated about being pregnant–the constant weigh ins like I was a boxer. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, how much can she have gained this week?!

    The crowd goes quiet.

    I always made sure to go to the bathroom first. I wore my lightest, springiest, flimsiest dresses all for that scale.


    My new doctor doesn’t even bother most of the time with the scale. I love her.

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