Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable."I’m Fashional"

Who am I to tell him otherwise?

(oh the blackmail opportunities for the teen years!)


29 Responses to “"I’m Fashional"”

  1. Scary Mommy

    That’s quite a look he’s got going on!!

  2. Katrina

    Lucas went through a stage where he LOVED those beads too!

    I say you have that made into an 8×10 and framed for when the first girlfriend comes over. Just before she arrives, place it somewhere she’ll notice but son won’t. (he’s male, he won’t notice if it’s taped to his forehead.)

    Then sit back and watch the fun.

  3. The Laundress

    Project runway…here he comes…hee hee

  4. Claudia

    Bwahahahahha. That is HOT!

  5. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    Claudia would probably think he looks totally hot.

  6. A Buns Life

    Oh he is lovely! My son still who will be six still likes to play dress up every once in a while with his sister and I am not going to discourage it! It’s one of few things that they actually can do together and not fight!

  7. Paige Jennifer

    The green really compliments his skin tone.

  8. Queen of the Mayhem

    Well…yes, yes he is!

    I have numerous pictures like this of my kids! I plan to also use them to my advantage later in their lives! :)

    TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!

  9. ilinap

    My 3-year old loves those beads. I find them all over the house. He, like your son, totally rocks that look. I dread the day he learns what those beads will get him during Mardi Gras. I’m hoping my husband never spills it.

  10. Kristin

    Hello, Prom night…

  11. flutter

    You wouldn’t dare!

  12. canape

    Why yes he is. He does, however, need a fabulous pair of boots to go with that ensemble.

  13. nola

    Sun was playing in Mardi Gras beads today too! Funny!

  14. Smiling Mama

    That’s one for the wedding slideshow!!!

  15. Maureen

    Holy crap. He is going to HATE this when he’s a teen….

  16. Loralee Choate

    How adorable is that? He looks like he is in training for Mardi Gras!

  17. Manager Mom

    Did he go to Mardi Gras when you weren’t looking!

  18. Julie Pippert

    He is so cute, love the pleased smile and accessories.

  19. BOSSY

    Bossy thinks Tim Gunn would agree: The pullups make the Man.

  20. Worker Mommy

    Could that be any cuter ?

  21. Sunshine

    He could be on Project Runway!

  22. Pendullum


  23. redstaplernation

    Okay, this is nothing to do with this post (although I do love how the kid works the beads. FIERCE!) but there’s no email listed for you…
    Paige Jennifer told me you might know someone (who knows someone else?) who couldn’t get a refund on a BlogHer ticket and might be interested in selling it off to a girl who very very much wants it. If true, is there any way you could ask the person who knows the person to contact me? I’m at and will most happily pay my new best friend the full price :o) Thank you so much!

  24. Mrs. Flinger

    HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. I love this. Awesome.

  25. Jeff

    This is awesome. I have a picture of me dressed the exact same way. Although mine is from last year and after a night at a carnival, but still.

  26. Kim

    He looks just like my son did at that age.

    My son wore a Ghostbuster jumpsuit for six years – had to buy it in three different sizes.

    But yes…it’s great blackmail material for adolescence, something no parent should be without.

    I should tell the story of when my son mooned my husband but forgot I was standing in FRONT of him!

  27. Keep It Classy, Jen

    LOL, too cute!

  28. Whit

    Your blackmail scheme won’t work. He’ll always love that photo.

  29. Rosie : )

    Very cute!

    I have a similar picture of our third child (first boy, and jammed between two girls in the hierarchy) wearing pearls, with a big red fireman hat while driving a yellow school bus in his tutu…

    Blackmail fodder for his wedding reception… or maybe sooner, tee hee šŸ˜‰

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