Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Just Trying to Get Back on the Horse

I’ve started so many posts in my head over the past week, yet none of them have made it down my arms and out the tips of my fingers.

I’ve probably had too much time with my own thoughts lately, and with a good portion of them clouded by a fever, I don’t know that I can access those posts that seemed really important when I didn’t have the energy to open up my laptop.

So here I am now just throwing words down like they’re car mats that need to dry in the sun. But it’s feeling germy in here and I need to open up the windows, air things out and hope to find the purpose of this here blog.

Clearly, I’m going with the “just start writing” method.

Appreciate your patience while I wasted your time giving myself a kick in the pants.


20 Responses to “Just Trying to Get Back on the Horse”

  1. sam {temptingmama}

    Missed you! Hope you’re feeling better and get back in the saddle soon!

  2. Busy Mom

    I need to do the very same thing, can’t even get as far as you have, though.

  3. Nancy

    I was wondering where you were.Glad to see you back on the horse, even if you don’t feel like the trot.

    Be well.

  4. amy turn sharp of doobleh-vay

    yeah- just do it. You always say great things when you say it. xo

  5. Kelly

    I’ve been just like you for the past month and wonder if I just need a break. OH well, I’ll just keep “throwing down words” as well to see if anything pops up. Good luck to you!

  6. Erika Jurney

    Glad to see you out and about :) xoxoxo

  7. flutter

    love you!

  8. Julie Pippert

    I say always go with the throwdown! You never know where the thought might lead, and if you are me rarely in the direction you originally intended.

    I’m always about every week with writing prompts, too. :)

  9. Queen of the Mayhem

    I am just glad you are posting!

    I need some MAMMA love! :)

    Good luck on the kicking…next come give me a swift one…I am in need!

  10. slackermommy

    Missing you.

  11. Gwen

    Looking forward to seeing where the ride takes you next.

  12. Diana

    Sometimes, you just have to get the jumbled mess out of the way so the good stuff can start flowing. At least, sometimes I do.

    Nice to see you writing!

  13. Nan

    Blogs need a Purpose? Darnit.

  14. Lunch Buckets

    Get back up there Mamma! You look fabulous :)

  15. Lizzi

    Sometimes “just start writing” is the only way to go, and things you didn’t even know were in there just start pouring out. Which, of course, is easy for me to say with at least a dozen posts half-written myself …

  16. karrie

    Find something that makes you angry.

    Works for me anyway! :)

  17. truly

    Tell us more!

  18. Lotta

    We’re here. Hugs for you.

  19. Manager Mom

    Feel better soon. And, I am going to try to start that stupid book I’ve had in my head and I’m going to try the just writing method too.

  20. Patty

    I’ve got an award for you over at my blog.

    I have trouble posting in summer. Too much to do. The fun is waiting outside.

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