Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Too Much Tea

I’m a freak.

Okay, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you already know that.

But every once in a while I like to pretend that I’m not, until I am so blatantly reminded as I was just now.

I visited the bathroom about an hour and half ago right after lunch. There was a woman wearing white sandals in there at the same time. We didn’t talk, but I took note of her shoes (of course).

See there’s something about the iced tea at my favorite lunch place. I drink gallons and my usually strong bladder caves to the pressure.

So back to the bathroom I went just a little while later feeling ridiculous that I had to go again so soon.

I noted that someone else was in there, but I just chose another stall to find relief. While washing my hands afterward the other toilet flushed and I looked into the mirror and could see the shoes peaking out from under the door.

White sandals!

I had to get out of there! I couldn’t wash my hands fast enough! What if she came out and saw that I was in the bathroom again?! She’d know that I went twice in less than two hours!!

I hurriedly pulled the lever on the paper towel dispenser (I hate wet hands), grabbed the towel and quickly rubbed my hands dry as I sprinted toward the door. I could hear the latch on the stall opening. She was almost out.

I pulled on the handle of the bathroom door and swung it open just enough to squeeze through and I ran out.

I actually sighed with relief. I made it out without her seeing me.

And then I walked down hall back toward my office verbally smacking myself in the head.

What normal, sane person worries about being seen in the bathroom twice inside of two hours by someone else who obviously has to go as frequently?! Who rushes out of the bathroom like that?

Seriously. I’m a freak.


30 Responses to “Too Much Tea”

  1. Queen of the Mayhem

    And THAT is why I love you so much!

    I can even go so far as to suffer from shy bladder….meaning….I sometimes cannot go when I know someone is listening. That can be a problem in the 4 stalled bathroom at work! Don’t even get me started on what happens if someone has the audacity to be using “my” stall! :)

  2. PunditMom

    What the QOM just said. :) xo

  3. whymommy

    … but did you look at people’s shoes the rest of the day, or steadfastly keep your eyes away from them?

    As long as it’s not the former, you’re FINE.

  4. SoMo

    The only way I can see if there is a problem with bathroom frequency is if you are getting *ahem* older (Hey, we all are fighting that losing battle) or have a cocaine habit. I plead the 5th on both counts.

  5. ばらっち

    Hello.This is first time for me to visit your site.
    I have three children (6year-old boy,4year-old boy,2year-old girl)
    They are angel, sometimes devil, though…
    I’m happy if you link to my site.It is written in Japanese(some of the words are English) but show pictures.
    baratch family

  6. flutter

    oh my GOD what if she had been in there for 2 hours??!?!

  7. gunfighter1

    At a complete loss, here.

  8. Lisa

    You know the woman in the white sandals might have been thinking the same thing you were! That would be really funny.

    Did you ever figure out who the woman was?

  9. Erin

    The woman with the white sandals was in there twice in as many hours, too.

    If she recognized your shoes, she might have been just as embarrassed.

    Either way, it’s pretty funny.

  10. liv

    well, and all i can think is: she’d better enjoy the heck out of those white sandals because the season is SO almost over.

  11. The Laundress

    Think about this: At least you left the bathroom…she might’ve been there the WHOLE time…And she could even be a boy.

  12. Gwen

    OMG, I would totally do something like that, too. I’m a bit of a public bathroom freak myself.

  13. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    But she was there too! Who is she to judge?

  14. sam

    Hahahaha! She could have been there the WHOLE time and you’re worried about you coming and going.


  15. mitch McDad

    What is it with chicks and the bathroom? geesh.

  16. truly

    Today the woman in the stall next to me ANSWERED HER CELLPHONE. I stood there, finished zipping my pants, pulling my belt closed. I waited. She continued what seemed to be a business conversation. I waited another few moments. She didn’t cut it short, so I flushed. Pretty loudly.

  17. piper of love

    white sandals and public bathrooms, they both always seem odd to me.

  18. Dorky Dad

    You know, I was wondering the same thing myself. But when I have to go to the bathroom too often, I look around to see if anybody I’d seen in the can previously is a witness to my next visit.

  19. Attila The Mom

    I wouldn’t be worried too much if anybody thought I peed too frequently. If I let off a howler, I’d avoid that particular bathroom for at least a week!

  20. Megryansmom

    I’m with Flutter, I think Ms White Sandals was in there for TWO hours. THAT is worrisome!

  21. Ali

    peeing a lot is a sign of a healthy bladder. hey, i’m just saying. it’s nothing to be ashamed of

    (says the girl who pees more than her children…cough, cough)

  22. browerfamilyof5

    I can relate, so I guess that makes me a freak, too!

  23. TLC

    This? cracked me up. I have been known to do something of the same, for different reasons.

    Depending who is in there, I will hightail it out before they are done, just so they don’t know who was changing what in the stall next to them. Something about that bothers me, I swear, they know.

  24. slackermommy

    Too funny! Maybe it wasn’t the same woman after all but someone else with the same sandals?

  25. Dragonfly Dreaming

    Nah, I’m bad too, I can’t ‘go’ at work if someone is in the stall next to me.

  26. karrie


    I had the same thought as a pp–maybe same sandals, different women.

  27. musing

    You are not alone in your freakiness. I would’ve done the exact same thing!

  28. Ann(ie)

    HA!! I’m a fellow freak. No wonder I liked you immediately!!

  29. lauraisthatvoiceagain

    Ha Ha, very funny! I just discovered this blog, and I really like it!

  30. The Yummy Mummy

    Pretty funny!

    And maybe a little freakish…but only in a good way.

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