Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Loss

Sometimes when you lose something you don’t even notice it’s gone until you see it in an old picture and casually wonder where it went. Other times, the loss is so great you don’t know if you’ll ever stop looking in the back of that drawer just one more time.

Why are some things so hard to let go?


8 Responses to “Loss”

  1. flutter

    I don’t know, babe. I wish I did

  2. Busy Mom

    Very well said.

  3. Gwen

    All the smaller losses remind us of the inevitable great loss? Or maybe, it’s just something you really really loved.

    I’m sorry.

  4. Haasiegirl

    can you email me? i have a question!


  5. Mrs. Flinger

    Awe. Just. Awe.

  6. PFunky

    Did you lose your marbles??? Your post made me think about the movie, Hook, where you get the impression that this old guy named Toodles is going insane because he keeps saying he lost his marbles, but in the end of the movie, you find out he truly lost his bag of shiny round marbles…

    Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost something and I think I will lose my marbles if I can’t find it…

    Hope you can find your bag of marbles…

  7. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Hugs. And i totally know what you mean.

  8. amy turn sharp of doobleh-vay

    i am feeling the latter now. I feel you on this.

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