Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.The Physics of Poop

The smallest fry in my house still requires a bit of “assistance” in the bathroom (frankly, I think he’s milking this whole baby of the family thing), so we are frequently treated with an observation.


“Look! It’s floating like a boat. Oh, and now it’s sinking like a cannonball.”

Look out MIT, here he comes!


6 Responses to “The Physics of Poop”

  1. Mitch McDad

    I think I was almost that smart at that age.

  2. tegdirb92

    LOL–I love that. I still have three in diapers (three are trained) and I’m looking forward to a diaper free household!

  3. Erica

    Ah, the joys of boyhood! However- as a scientist, not a medical professional- I wanted to ask if the floater/sinker boy is the same one you blogged about that was requiring the need for you to wear a gas mask? If so- here some information from my noggin – poop floats based on fat content and actual gas content. So if your stinker has lots of floaters he may be either eating foods with a lot of fat, or he may not be processing all of the fats- which is a good problem that we all wish we had :)

  4. Twenty Four At Heart

    Ha ha! I think my husband still does that! : )

  5. Stimey

    Every time my youngest poops, he tells me what it looks like: “Look! I made a question mark!” or “Look! It’s a seven!”

  6. littlebear

    LOL! Well, poop IS fascinating, right?

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