Cache directory "/home7/mammalov/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.It’s Definitely Not Cancer, so I’m Sure it’s Something Much Worse

The other day I was went to enter my home phone number into a form and I couldn’t remember it.

The information just wasn’t there.

It was so frightening. I had to ask my 7 year-old our phone number.

A couple of weeks ago, I was driving home with my whole family in the car after a night out with friends. We were talking about another neighborhood and all of the sudden I focused on the road and didn’t know where I was. For a minute, I thought I was in the other neighborhood and couldn’t figure out exactly where in it I was. I shook my head and knew where I was again. It all happened so fast, but it seemed to go on forever.

My heart was pounding. I tried to laugh it off.

Tonight I was talking about The Princess Bride with a friend. I was listing off all of the people in the movie: Peter Falk, Mandy Patankin, the kid from the Wonder Years and…not Robin Williams…his friend…he’s a big Yankees fan…he’s a comic too…”you look mah-velous!”…he’s balding…damn what is his name??

Yeah. Billy Crystal. I couldn’t remember Billy Crystal’s name!

I’m a little freaked out. Is it normal to be forgetting information like this? It’s like I go to the place where it should be in my head and it’s just blank–I may even hear a swift breeze blowing through.

The hypochondriac in me is convinced it’s early onset Alzheimer’s or a clot or some other horrific disease that will make every one feel sorry for me yet not sorry enough that they’ll come and visit me when I’m drooling on myself and muttering something about vibrators. The cynic in me says I’m just a garden-variety, batshit-crazy woman with three kids, a job, a house, a few hobbies, some volutneer commitments and low-blood sugar overreacting.

If it’s Alzheimer’s, remind me to be really pissed.


16 Responses to “It’s Definitely Not Cancer, so I’m Sure it’s Something Much Worse”

  1. Annika

    I have moments like that when I'm overtired.

  2. Erica

    happens here too….same thing when I'm overtired and over committed. I always take it as my "warning, danger ahead" sign…

  3. flutter

    sounds like you need to up your antioxidants and fish oil

  4. Lisa

    Thank you for posting this darling. Because I often forget how old I am. And do the same "where the hell am I" thing while driving sometimes. I forget common words and where I'm parked. It is scarey. I brought it up to a neurologist (I'd been seeing for migraines.) He blew it off. He muttered something about how moms don't get enough sleep and have too much on their minds. So I blew it off too.

    If we both have Alzheimers we can room together. We could stare at each other all day saying stuff like "Who the hell are you". And "where did you get that vibrator?" 😉

  5. Lisa

    P.S. I could totally move to DC. My husband told me if something ever happens to me, he's getting a crazy stripper wife. If he follows through with that plan, I'm thinking he'd be too busy to visit me anyway… And Seth is already such a boob man that he'd forget all about me every time his step mom's rack would jiggle. :-)

  6. Anna

    Hi…I'm by no means a qualified professional; I'm a grad student in Speech Language Pathology. Because of this, I've had to suffer/am suffering through neuroanatomy/pathology courses. Just yesterday in my class on cognitive-communication disorders, my prof stressed that "there is NO 'normal' memory loss associated with aging."

    I've certainly had the thing where you walk into a room and forget why you're there. But your incident with the neighborhood is worrying. Not to be worrying! But if I were you I'd mention to your doctor what's happening. Doesn't hurt to have a little more peace of mind.

    (Sorry to butt in on your blog; just clicked here from another blog I read regularly.)

  7. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    Any chance you are pregnant?

  8. PFunky

    You crack me up! You are just fine.
    Maybe you need to drink more wine!
    Your little mind blips might seem too frightening but I am sure your brain is otherwise enlightening some inner thoughts which need your focus (do you think my rhyme to you is bogus???)

    Love you and will always love you, memory or no! xoxo!

  9. PunditMom

    I've got it too, babe. And, yes, it's scary. I never believed those stories about not being able to recall certain things after a certain age. :(

  10. Whatever DeeDee Wants

    Howie Long’s hair? Now that’s funny!

  11. ClumberKim

    This makes me feel so much better. Happens to me about once a day. More the Billy Crystal stuff than wrong neighborhood but still freaks me out. Like that Far Side cartoon, I have decided my brain is just full.

  12. lildb

    i can’t decide whether to laugh or commiserate or throw breakables.

    all three?

    it’s especially insulting when it’s someone obvious whose name you forget, huh. self-insulting.



    (and when, o darling lady, will i see you again in this forgettassy lifetime?)

  13. LongBeach

    You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  14. typo

    This is my first visit here, but I will be back soon, because I really like the way you are writing, it is so simple and honest

  15. Johnuw

    You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

  16. Kelly V.

    You know how old I am and I do that kind of stuff all the time. I’m like, what is wrong with me?!! I am hoping it is normal too :) Don’t worry!!!

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