Category: Elizabeth Edwards

The Edwards Campaign is the First

September 29th, 2007 — 1:49pm

A while back I wrote an open letter to the Presidential candidates inviting them to meet with some blogging mammas.

The Edwards campaign is the first to take us up on the offer.

At 4:00 p.m. EST today, Elizabeth Edwards will be meeting with the moms from the Silicon Valley Moms Blog and all the moms from the sister sites (Chicago Moms Blog and DC Metro Moms Blog) have been invited to participate via conference call.

Elizabeth Edwards has a history with the SV Moms. She met with them a year and a half ago while on a book tour, before her husband officially announced he was running. She spent two hours sitting down with them answering all of their questions. I know attempts have been made by the Edwards campaign to find time for the candidate himself to meet with some of us mom bloggers. And as I’ve mentioned before, I have yet to make up my mind, but I have to say the fact that the Edwards campaign is so interested in reaching out to smaller bloggers to talk about their vision for the country says quite a bit about them to me.

I’m going to try and live-blog the call. I may forget to hit publish, but I promise I will once it’s all over.

1 comment » | Blogging, DC Metro Moms, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Politics, Presidential Politics

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