Category: giveaway

What Am I Doing?!

December 9th, 2008 — 9:52pm

Cruising the web I happened upon this amazing HP giveaway hosted by Down to Earth Mama. I entered because I loved how she was encouraging entrants to donate part of the prize package to someone who needed it more. Beautiful.

She then had an option to earn a bonus entry.

“Write on a message board or your blog a post about how you have or plan to make the world a bit better.”

And all of the sudden, I got to thinking.

What AM I doing to make the world a bit better?

I’m not sure I’m satisfied with my answer.

I spent the first seven years of my career working for a non-profit–it’s why I moved to DC. I wanted to “save” the world. It was easy then to get involved with projects, to volunteer. Heck my job was one I felt was making the world a bit better.

But then I had kids and realized a savings might be a good idea.

I went to work for a company and what was I doing then? Sure I helped organize the annual Adopt-a-Family for Christmas project at work, but really?? I never felt like I had time. I had small kids. I worked full time. I was exhausted (okay I still am).

But my kids are a bit older now. I’m with a new company. I know I am more fortunate that most.

So what am I doing?

I volunteer a good bit of time as a board member for both the PTA and the little league. I am focusing on raising three boys to be good, caring, kind people. I make micro-contributions where I can. I participate in social networks because I hope that in some way I am helping to bring people together.

But is this enough?

What are you doing to make the world a bit better? I could use some good ideas.

13 comments » | charity, giveaway

We Have a Winner!!!

December 6th, 2008 — 11:44am

Pulling in more than half of all the total votes, URBAN MAMA is the winner of a brand new Wii and Wii Fit w/Balance Board.

Sandie, I think I can speak for all of us when I say thank you for honoring us by sharing your story.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post, because my reasons for wanting to lose weight aren’t funny.

Two months ago, my mother died after fighting colon cancer for eight years. She’s the second person in our family to die of colon cancer, which can be hereditary.

As I was searching through her files afterward, I found an odd collage of pictures of my siblings and me mixed with magazine clippings, play money and hand-written notes from my mother. It was one of those spiritual self-help, “wish list” exercises. She wished for us to have loving spouses, beautiful homes, successful careers, etc. But the pictures of me were pasted on the bodies of thin fitness models. Underneath she wrote: “This is Sandie happy because she’s a healthy weight.”

Finding that photo was such a heartbreaking shock. I knew my mother always wanted me to lose weight, but seeing that posterboard was horrifying. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized she was right. I need to do something this coming year to get to my true age’s fitness level. I’m sick of looking 52 instead of 32.

So why do I need a Wii Fit? Because I need a way to work out at home (with three kids under 7 and a husband who’s rarely home before 8:30, gym membership isn’t feasible right now), so I can be healthy, not just for myself, but so I can ward off colon cancer and at the same time fulfill my mother’s wish.

I hope you find hours of fun and health for you and your family in this Wii and Wii Fit.

12 comments » | Contests, giveaway, Wii Fit

Starting the Holidays Off Right

November 30th, 2008 — 11:19pm

Hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving. We certainly did here.

I am so excited to tell you about this very cool giveaway that I’m hosting this week.

Due to certain rules, I can’t tell you about it here so you’ll have to click on over to my review blog and read this post:

Wii Love the Holidays

to get all the details.

Can’t wait to see your comments!

4 comments » | giveaway, Wii Fit

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