Category: Kids

Spring Fever

June 4th, 2008 — 9:51pm

I know new posts have been pretty sparse around here, but springtime here in the wilds of Northern Virginia (and when I say wilds I mean the Target parking lot on Saturday morning) speeds by at breakneck pace (or that might be how I drive to work every morning).

So aside from my regular duties protecting poor little corporate America from mean ole lawmakers and their big bully constituents, I’ve been busy ensuring that America’s youth understands that our national pastime is indeed a sport played outside and does not involve controllers and a big screen.

Of course, I’ve also been spreading beauty far and wide (What? My house is on the corner, I have to plant on two sides).

I’ve been sowing the seeds for a bountiful harvest (if you call a few salads and enough jalapeno peppers to start your own salsa company bountiful).

And well, the kids do need a rinsing off every once in a while.

13 comments » | Baseball, Family, Kids, My Yard, work

It Might Be Worth a Try

November 28th, 2007 — 9:51pm

Ever faithful to my beloved NPR, I’ve been listening to stories about the peace talks that took place in Annapolis, MD this week.

One caller to the Diane Rehm show referred to all of the participants as “lame duckers.” I had quite a chuckle over that in my car all by myself.

Last night as I was driving home, journalists were discussing the meetings, the participants and whether any of them were really in the position to do any real negotiating. I believe one of them may have wondered aloud if the conflicts could be better resolved by children–or I could have wondered it while I was on auto-pilot on my way home after a day of staring at numbers, though I doubt I would have such a great idea on my own. Anyway, it got me thinking.

Our kids are taught about peer mediation and conflict resolution in school starting very early. I really am sure SOMEONE must have thought of this already, but wouldn’t it be interesting to give a group of sixth graders who had been trained in peer mediation a case study resembling some of the more difficult world conflicts and see how they would resolve them?

Would it be that outlandish to suggest we put the conflict resolution responsibilities of the world in the hands of our children? Without years of ingrained hatred, might they be able to find solutions that will bring more peace to the world?

Maybe it’s the time of the year. I have peace on the brain. I want my children to live in a safer world. My inner-idealist is oozing out.

Maybe all the kids would refuse to agree and stomp out of the room with all the snacks or even resort to beating each other up. But would that really be any different than what their parents’ are doing already?

5 comments » | Kids, Peace, Politics

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