Category: My Yard

Spring Fever

June 4th, 2008 — 9:51pm

I know new posts have been pretty sparse around here, but springtime here in the wilds of Northern Virginia (and when I say wilds I mean the Target parking lot on Saturday morning) speeds by at breakneck pace (or that might be how I drive to work every morning).

So aside from my regular duties protecting poor little corporate America from mean ole lawmakers and their big bully constituents, I’ve been busy ensuring that America’s youth understands that our national pastime is indeed a sport played outside and does not involve controllers and a big screen.

Of course, I’ve also been spreading beauty far and wide (What? My house is on the corner, I have to plant on two sides).

I’ve been sowing the seeds for a bountiful harvest (if you call a few salads and enough jalapeno peppers to start your own salsa company bountiful).

And well, the kids do need a rinsing off every once in a while.

13 comments » | Baseball, Family, Kids, My Yard, work

Arachnophobia: An Indication of Gender?

September 19th, 2007 — 9:24pm

One of Charlotte’s babies has taken up residence under my eave. Protecting her safety has become an act of daily vigilance on my part.

Why are bearers of the Y chromosome so horrified by spiders?

Some of the burliest men I know (my brother and the four penis-bearers in my house, as well) can be reduced to wimpering ninnies at the sight of a spider in their path.

And I don’t get it.

Spiders eat the other insects that aren’t as pleasant to be around. They protect small pink pigs (one of my favorite books as a child) and they do cool things in space.

What’s to fear?

Now disease carrying rats, venom-spewing snakes and squirrely administration officials–that’s the stuff of horror films.

20 comments » | Living with Boys, My Yard, Nature

Random Updates & A To Do

February 15th, 2007 — 10:17pm

1. I can skate on my backyard…and I live in Virginia. WTF? It is pretty fun to slide around though. I’m just worried about landing on my dupa.

2. My a**…it still hurts like a mo’ fo’ (see yesterday’s post.) Oh and the purple? It’s darker–much darker.

3. Speaking of a**es. You want to be a pain in the a**? Karen over at Troll Baby has been slapped with a meme. As part of it, she’s going to answer any question you ask her in the comments on this post. Go ahead. You have to read the comment string if nothing else. Lots of farts and M&Ms.

Hope you had a good Thursday!

3 comments » | Blogging, My Yard, random thoughts

Delayed Gratification

November 4th, 2006 — 5:36pm

Day Four
Mood: Relaxed/Sore

I love spring flowers. I can almost smell the scent of suntan lotion as soon as the bulbs start peaking up through the dirt.

Now that I’m a homeowner (okay I’ve been a homeowner for a while but in comparison to the length of my life it hasn’t been that long) I feel the need to fill my gardens with daffodils, tulips and irises. And every year when they bloom I’m left with the feeling that I still haven’t planted quite enough. So today I made the trek to Costco to buy bulbs (at noon on a Saturday no less–what kind of masochist am I? Well, there are all the free samples).

At first I thought I may have waited too late to find them. But lo and behold there they were. Bags of 50 bulbs for $11.99 each! Score! I left with three.

Well it was all a great plan in my head until I realized that it meant I had to plant 150 bulbs (actually 180 since I already had a bag of 30 taunting me in the car port)! And for some reason, it never occured to me to do this math until I arrived home. Yeah, I never was a mathlete.

It’s November 4th as you know, so I don’t have a whole lot of time to get these “bolts” (as Mr. 4 calls them) planted. So out in the yard I went this afternoon armed with an “as seen on TV” bulb-hole drill bit lent to me by my neighbor and the desire to plant my bulbs.

These things always work as well as they promise on tv.

The first 50 went in quickly–or so I thought–until I looked in the bag and realized that there were two packages in each bag. UGH! Of course with the “help” I received from Mr. 10 and Mr. 4 the job went even more quickly–yeah right.

I finally convinced Mr. 10 that I was not going to let him use the drill–like I’m sharing the power tools–and Mr. 4 departed soon after I took back control of the shovel, so the process sped up a bit. But I didn’t beat the dark. One hundred in the ground…only 80 more to go.

So much for sleeping in tomorrow morning.

PS–In searching for the image a daffodils I wanted to include on this post I realize that 180 aren’t nearly going to be enough. If I could just remember from one year to the next where I planted them.

2 comments » | "Great" Ideas, My Yard

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