Category: The Reincarnationist

Bet You Didn’t Think Mamma Did Reviews

October 26th, 2007 — 9:42pm

I love to read.

If you’re a reader and a parent, you know how much less time you have to devote to your precious books since Junior’s arrival. So when a book grabbed me from the first page and took no time to read, I felt I had to share it.

Check out The Reincarnationist by M.J. Rose.

I’ll admit, I was skeptical when I first read about it. Most of this suspense story takes place in Rome (can you say DaVinci Code?) and it involves the intertwining lives of people who may or may not be experiencing flashes of past lives.

I know. Sounds weird, huh? But it wasn’t. I really was sucked in from the first page and read the entire last half of the book in one sitting. Rose did a terrific job of using reincarnation as a hook to unfold the mystery that never felt forced. And while I won’t ruin the ending, you must send me a note once you’re finished with it because I want to discuss it.

So many authors feel like they have to give you the whole story of what happens after the couple rides off in the sunset. Not here. While the mystery is solved there is still so much left that’s unknown. This alone has had me thinking about the book for a few days now.

The Reincarnationist isn’t going to make you any smarter, but it is going to entertain the heck out of you. Check it out. Put it on your list for your holiday reads, because admit it–as much as you love your family, they do get annoying after a while. What better excuse not to have to talk to Aunt Rose about her shingles than a good, fast read you can bury your nose in? Just sayin’.

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