Category: When I’m Queen

In a Better Mood

December 31st, 2009 — 5:31pm

Leave it to PFunky to set me straight–and some uplifting words from Laurie to put me on a better track.*

I’ve been pissed off all day. On Twitter I was reading about all the “GREAT” and “FANTASTIC” plans people have for the new year. Everyone was so freaking chipper. Apparently I only follow the uber-achievers whose sole purpose in life is to make me feel like a big gigantic loser by comparison.

Where am I going? What am I going to do next? What have I accomplished so far? What do I have to show for my time on this planet? Why was it again I went away to college? And moved away from home? How the heck am I going to make the changes I really want to make in my life?

Oh yeah, and I’m going to be 40 in 2010.

It wasn’t a pretty day.

Just moments ago, I was reminded that we are putting another decade on the books (I mean I knew this, but I didn’t really THINK about it), and then I started to think about my life 10 years ago.

The roof that is over my head? Didn’t belong to me yet.

The kind people I work for now? Hadn’t met ’em yet.

The three crazy, rambunctious, big-hearted boys who make me want to both pull out all my hair and laugh hysterically every single day? One just went back home to live with his mom and the other two were a vague concept.

I may not be world-famous (yet). I may not be the hottest mommy in town (yet). I may even still have that nasty Diet Coke habit (let’s not get too hasty with our resolutions), but I do have a life I couldn’t conceive of just ten years ago.

Makes me wonder how I’ll look back ten years from now.

*I hope you know how much your words meant to me today–always.

10 comments » | I'm a dork, moody, Motherhood, parenting, TMI, When I'm Queen

So Many Interests, So Little Time

November 1st, 2009 — 10:30am

My desire to learn about so many things and to master (okay become proficient) a number of skills has reached epic level.

And this whole oh yeah I’m a political consultant thing can get in the way some days.

Plus? Sleeping?

How am I going to become a world famous photographer/knitter/gardener/well-read/self-actualized/uber-Mom/social media maven/baseball parent with all this work and sleep taking up my time?!

I’ve already given up the laundry, cooking and most of the cleaning (until my parents come in town or I’m hosting a real party), and still there is never enough time. This doesn’t even take into account the roots and eyebrows that constantly require maintenance.

Oh and also I should have added “organized, beautiful home-owning and fabulously fashionable” to my list above.


Guess we’re all going to have to settle for friendly chick.

7 comments » | I'm a dork, Motherhood, Time, When I'm Queen, working woman

If Your Name is Ryan and You Work on Capitol Hill, Don’t Read the Second Paragraph

November 16th, 2006 — 9:49pm

Day 16

This whole conference in Palm Beach thing is so wonderful. A half day of meetings, a little shopping and pina coladas by the beach. I know, sorry to brag, but I got to tell you this twice a day maid service…a girl could get used to that. I came back last night and all of my belongings were organized! My shoes were lined up in the closet! My toiletries all lined up on a little towel. I think I’m in heaven!

RS–Stop reading now…

So my most recent murphy’s law experience…

Don’t know if you’ve had this experience yet, but can we talk? Grey hair? Down there?

Well when you go in for a bikini wax how is it possible that they clear that much real estate but MISS the one grey hair? THIS is my life.

2 comments » | When I'm Queen

Talk With the Hand

October 27th, 2006 — 6:04pm

When I am the benevolent ruler of the world to all (except to the few who have done me wrong for they will suffer by being duct taped to a chair naked and forced to listen to an endless loop of Rick Astley, Yanni and Kenny G), I will mandate the use of thank you waves when people let you cut in front of them in traffic. For there is nothing more annoying than kindly allowing a person to enter traffic in front of you only to have them drive away without so much as a wave.

Personally, I roll down my window to ensure that the wave is seen. The back windows of my car are tinted so I don’t want to chance that my wave goes unnoticed.
I must feel so strongly about this small act of gratitude, because I actually dreamed about it the other night. I dreamt that I let some in and they gave me a wave and when I waved back they actually gave me another with a rotation of the wrist and pointed their index finger back at me as if to say “right back atchya.”

I have no idea what this means. But I felt such a sense of satisfaction. Hand gestures of gratitude will definitely be one of my first executive orders.

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