Category: Bathrooms

Too Much Tea

August 5th, 2008 — 1:25pm

I’m a freak.

Okay, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you already know that.

But every once in a while I like to pretend that I’m not, until I am so blatantly reminded as I was just now.

I visited the bathroom about an hour and half ago right after lunch. There was a woman wearing white sandals in there at the same time. We didn’t talk, but I took note of her shoes (of course).

See there’s something about the iced tea at my favorite lunch place. I drink gallons and my usually strong bladder caves to the pressure.

So back to the bathroom I went just a little while later feeling ridiculous that I had to go again so soon.

I noted that someone else was in there, but I just chose another stall to find relief. While washing my hands afterward the other toilet flushed and I looked into the mirror and could see the shoes peaking out from under the door.

White sandals!

I had to get out of there! I couldn’t wash my hands fast enough! What if she came out and saw that I was in the bathroom again?! She’d know that I went twice in less than two hours!!

I hurriedly pulled the lever on the paper towel dispenser (I hate wet hands), grabbed the towel and quickly rubbed my hands dry as I sprinted toward the door. I could hear the latch on the stall opening. She was almost out.

I pulled on the handle of the bathroom door and swung it open just enough to squeeze through and I ran out.

I actually sighed with relief. I made it out without her seeing me.

And then I walked down hall back toward my office verbally smacking myself in the head.

What normal, sane person worries about being seen in the bathroom twice inside of two hours by someone else who obviously has to go as frequently?! Who rushes out of the bathroom like that?

Seriously. I’m a freak.

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