Category: blogging change introspection

“Doin’ Art”

March 23rd, 2010 — 4:31pm

Turning 40 this year has me taking stock of this life I’ve led so far.  I’ll admit that sixty and even thirty days ago I was on the verge of near panic about my failures as a human being, my lack of productivity and success to date–then I started writing about it and well realized I’ve been acting like an ass.

I see you nodding.  No need to agree with me so wholeheartedly.

It wasn’t writing alone that smacked me upside the head.  Call it providence, call it coincidence, call it divine intervention.  Over the past few months I’ve also been turned on to a number of blogs that focus on creativity.  I imagine I started poking around them initially to get more ideas for my photography, but I was quickly pulled in by the images and moments these people are capturing in their art.

Getting older and watching my babies bloom has me more aware of the swift wings of time (really?  swift wings of time?!–I need to get over myself).  I’ve been trying to figure out how to appreciate the everyday happenings of my life right now–to truly experience them–and how to capture them for later when I’m old and alone and gray(er) and on the verge of being eaten by my cats.   And these bloggers have inspired me.

Really this is a long-winded way of saying…


Nice Amie.  Lovely.  What the hell are they?

Duh!  Background papers.  We’re gonna use ’em for stuff.  We?  Stuff?

I’ve joined The Artistic Mother’s Art Group.

I’ve never thought of myself as artistic (and gessoed, painted, stamped and pasteled papers aside I’m not sure I am), but I gotta tell you being surrounded by paint and paper and pastels and ink and glue and having dirty artsy hands…it kinda rocks.  The kicker too is that my kids are getting into with me.  We’re sitting around the table “doin’ art” as my small fry says.

If I stop getting pedicures and suddenly change my name to Raindrop though, you gotta promise to host an intervention.

12 comments » | art, birthdays, blogging change introspection, crafts, creativity, handmade, photography, The Artistic Mother's Group, Writing

Maybe You Haven’t Seen Me

October 17th, 2009 — 11:26am

Conventional wisdom among blogging gurus is the key to a successful blog is finding your niche and concentrating on that.

What if you don’t have a niche? Would I have more readers if I did? Am I writing for readers? Is this blog about me or you the reader?

When I talk to people about social media I too stress the importance of putting out information that is not about you, but about them. Now I’d argue that can be done in different ways. What I mean when I say it is don’t just tweet links back to your blog or RT what others have said (though RTs are a sign of good citizenship), but take part in a conversation–or start one.

The emphasis here is on the social part of media.

Social, to me, is about community and conversation and sharing of ideas. It’s about having a discussion rather than spamming each other so that neither of us hears what the other is saying. I’d argue that our world would be a much better place if this happened more often.

So what does this have to do with what I put out on my blog?

Well I clearly don’t have a niche. I write about my kids (but not only them), I share some of my photographs (but I’m not a photo blogger), there is the infrequent insertion of politics (I live in DC after all), when a cool offer comes along I like to share that too (but you’re not coming here for coupon codes). And then there are the days I tell you a little something about me (but do you really know who I am?). I like to make you laugh. I feel like I owe you that–or at least a grin–for lending me your eyes, but I’m no Jenny.

So who am I here? Why am I here? Why do I put out my words for all the world to see, and why do I like it when people are compelled to add their thoughts to my own?

I think I like to know that I’m not the only one. Sure I’d love to be an original, but I like to know too that my life resonates with yours.

That’s the “social” in social media to me.

I’ve been subscribing to new blogs left and right lately. I’m adding disparate sites that speak to me, to who I am right now. I’ve subscribed to Scientific American, m. writes, design crush, zen habits and the fat girl’s guide just to name a few.

Pretty varied that group–sort of like my posts.

I want you to see me. I want to be honest here. And if I admit something that to me seems ugly, I’d like people to be attracted to my writing. But with interests as varied as mine, how do I find a niche?

There are personal questions I’m asking myself these days. It may be the impending big birthday. I feel like I’m on the cusp of change. I’m going to be taking you along with me as these questions flesh out. I hope you find something in my words that speak to you. And I hope you’ll add your own to them–even if it seems I’m all over the place.

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