Category: Blogging

The First Step Is…

November 14th, 2007 — 10:45pm

Lotta and I have had a little encounter group going on. The first step is admitting your problems, right? Well we came clean with one another, so of course, because we’re bloggers, a button was developed to commemorate the event.

I have been bad at leaving comments lately. I’ve been addicted to Stumble Upon and I’ve been reading your blogs in my reader, but I know I need to be better. I love the community that I can be part of as a blogger and to be part of the community I need to give back.

Please know that if you haven’t heard from me in a while it’s not because I don’t love what you’re writing. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

I’m looking forward to the Thanksgiving break to get caught up. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing comments from me on posts you wrote weeks ago.

Oh, feel free to steal the button too. The first step is admitting your problem.

20 comments » | Blogging

What You Don’t Know

November 5th, 2007 — 9:28pm

I’ve been challenged by a fellow blogger to share more of myself in my posts.

See it turns out I’m not as vanilla in real life as I may appear. I’m aware that upon first glance you feel you may make certain assumptions because I’m just another white, married, working, suburban mom, in her late 30’s. And in many ways, I am all of those things. And in many ways, I’m not at all. I’m used to it though.

Get to know me, and you might be surprised. Though I haven’t really given you the opportunity have I? And there’s the irony. I’ll admit here that I’ve peed all over myself in a port-o-let or that the Brazillian is the only way to go, but what have I shared about my life experiences? What have I shared of my beliefs and how they were formed? The thing is, I just didn’t think you’d find that information all that interesting. And damn how I don’t want to be all “me, me, me, me, me.” But I’m taking on the challenge. I’m going to try and let you in.

I find it all so interesting. Obviously as bloggers we feel the need to share something of ourselves with the world. So what holds us back?

Does your blog reflect the whole you? In what way? Or if not, what don’t your readers see? Are there things you consciously don’t share or is it, like me, that you didn’t realize you were leaving the big things out?

33 comments » | Blogging

Quick! Call the Doctor!

November 3rd, 2007 — 4:03pm

I think I broke my funny bone.

See! That’s the best I can do right now. It’s pathetic.

I spent last winter and spring walking through life witnessing all sorts of moments that just begged for a humorous interpretation on this here blog and now? My blog is getting all serious with posts written from my heart and crap like that. I mean how will I ever regain my cred with him or her or her or him or him or her or him? Heh. That’s funny. Like I evah had cred with them.

What are my typical go-to topics?

Sex: Haven’t stopped any lines at the airports lately to have a dildo inspected.

Kids: No one’s been naming body parts lately.

School: Well I was in charge of the annual Fun Fair Cake Walk, but there was nothing funny about crawling around on the floor of the school to tape down letters so already over-weight America could win the 124 cakes that were donated for the event. (Oh and a big BRAAAGH! to the woman who went to Costco, bought the three bread box and split them up and wrapped them individually to make it look like she baked them herself. Own it if you don’t bake sweetheart, but don’t try to make it look like you slaved away all day.)

Hair Removal: My esthetician went on vacation for two weeks! Trust me. Nothing fun(ny) there at all.

Family: Dad hasn’t tried to set my brother up with any other starlets lately. If I get desperate for material (or bored) I might just offer him up on eBay soon.

Politics: SO not funny right now.


Is there a doctor in the house? It’s a matter of humor or death. Quick. Send help.

15 comments » | Blogging, health

And the Beat Goes On

October 29th, 2007 — 8:12pm

When I started putting together this blogroll, I really had no idea it would take this long. I apologize for the lack of substantive posts lately, but I seem to be using up my words in other places and I do want to make sure I don’t miss anyone on this blogroll. So if you’ll hang in there with me for another day or two.

So where were we? Oh, yes. The Ses (S’s?) Tonight we have So-T

Southern Mom Another blogger who allows me to fulfill my New Orleans-y cravings. I have so much respect for the folks who stayed on to make sure the area would be revived.

Steel Magnolia Some people have real reasons to mope around and feel sorry for themselves. It always seems that the very people who do are the last that ever will. Terri always seems to see the bright side of life and is the best for leaving happy and supportive comments.

Sticking to the Point You know how you just meet someone and you know they’re good? I can still envision her there at the cocktail party with her camera in her hands.

Suburban Oblivion Here’s the second member of the Gulf Coast Momfia. She’s young, she’s beautiful, she’s talented. Crap. Why am I telling you to go read her? I should hate her, but I can’t. She rocks.

Sue Doe-Nim Sue and I agree on almost nothing, but I love her fiercely. She is a loyal friend and honest to the tips of her soccer-coaching toes.

Table for Five I first learned about having cards made for BlogHer from EE. A short while later she was sharing sex tips. She’s a giver that woman.

The Avery Lane Experience Paige is terrific writer. It’s as simple as that. On top of it, she’s friends with the Queen of Mayhem.

The Centurion Diaries I love the concept my UK friend developed. All posts must come in under 100 words. He took a break for a while, but he’s back, and I’m so happy.

The Hygiene Chronicles Steve is a fellow DC area parent blogger. He’s been a bit busy pursuing an advanced degree, but I’ll take all the great posts I can get.

The Jay Spot The man who started it all for me. Jay and I worked together. He shared with me his first blog and I was hooked. Way back then I never imagined getting a comment from someone I didn’t know. The ironic thing is that I don’t think he’s ever left a comment. Jerk.

The Queen of Shake-Shake Here’s the third member of the Gulf Coast Momfia. She’s also the author-i-tay of many other things. While one minute she’s making me snort Diet Coke, the next I find myself in awe of the powerful love she has for her kiddos.

Julie Pippert: Using My Words Okay, so it seems a bit odd we’re back in the J’s, but at one point Julie’s blog must have been called The Ravin’ Picture Maven because that’s how it’s listed in my reader. Anyhoo, check out Julie. You’ll be happy you did.

The Underpaid Kept Woman I think it Ms. Sunshine’s title that first got me, it was the fun that kept me.

The View from Here Another fellow VA blogger–one I’ve met in real life and who is still willing to be my friend. GF doesn’t hold back, but it’s all driven by a writer with a huge heart.

Toddler Planet You’ve joined Team WhyMommy right? You haven’t? Click on the button to the left and do it now. WhyMommy is teaching us all so much as she chronicles her fight with inflammatory breast cancer.

Twas Brillig Plain and simple–I go there for the writing.

9 comments » | blog reviews, Blogging

Mamma Continues to Share the Love and…

October 25th, 2007 — 7:53pm

an important message to readers.

The problem with a blogroll is that inevitably some fantabulous blog will get left off (or I’m just not cool enough to know about it), and then another blogging heart will be broken. I know I’ve already missed a few and I’m only at O. Heh. O. *snicker snicker*

Anyway, where was I?

Oh, the blogroll, beautiful blogs missing, tears, snot, mayhem.

This list is a work in progress. Once I get to Z (and I don’t have an Z blogs yet so if you know of good one please leave it in the comments), I’ll be posting an addendum. Give me a heads up if I’m missing the greatest blog of all time (or yours).

Now without further ado, I bring you Mamma’s Blogroll P-Some of the Ses.

Parentopia Written by Devra and Aviva. I can only attest to meeting Devra and let me just say the woman has enough energy and sense of humor for three people. They’re all about parenting without guilt. They’re my kind of girls!!! Sorry. Women!!
Peggy, as she is I can’t remember how I found Peggy, but I’m so glad I did. Her musings are right on.
Petroville One of the lovely sponsors of the monthly Perfect Post awards. Kimberly also knows how to throw a fun party–toga scooter races anyone?
Plain Jane Mom Erika is the hub of the parent blogging universe to me. I’m missing her GRIT posts, but she’s been a busy, busy woman. And, she’s raising “My Three Sons.”
Playgroups are No Place for Children The first up on the list representin’ the Gulf Coast Momfia. They have no idea how much I want them to invite me to hang with them.
Poot and Cubby There are just some people whose names you love to see in your comments. Andi is one of them. Doesn’t hurt that she’s a terrific blogger too.
Procrastamom I fell in love at this post.
PunditMom Joanne was recently described to me as being so tiny you could put her in your pocket–and you could. But she’s another powerhouse behind the keyboard. I don’t know how the woman finds the time to blog everywhere she does. Her hyper-productivity is really starting to get annoying (j/k J).
Queen of Spain She and her family are safe–the fires. I love the QoS. She tells it like it is and doesn’t apologize for her words.
Queen of Mayhem She was my first blogging Queen, and you never get over your first.
Red Stapler This is one of those cases of Mamma getting to the party a little late. I’ve not been reading long, and I’m pretty embarrassed about that.
Redsy I’m hoping real soon to call myself her partner in crime. Stay tuned. It’ll be schteeeeamy.
Rude Cactus Hey look! A boy. A fellow DC blogger who just plain ole cracks me up.
Ruthless in the Suburbs I just love me those CT bloggers. And this one? I look forward to every post.
Sarah and the Goon Squad Believe it or not she used to live next door to someone I went to college with. Weird huh? That cosmic connection aside, Sarah’s just one cool chica.
Schmutzie’s Milk Money or Not Here I Come Schmutzie’s had a horrific year, and yet she continues to write, and write well.
Schnozzfest This woman is just damned hysterical.
Serving the Queens Sometimes you read a blog just once and you’re hooked. Jenn is a perfect example.
Shoo Fly… Melodyann is raw and honest and funny as hell.
Slacker-Moms-R-Us Sexy, smart and oh what a sense of humor! My blogging BFF.
Slouching Past 40 What more can you say? Great writing!

19 comments » | blog reviews, Blogging

Dinner & Drinks

October 10th, 2007 — 10:24am

How many mommybloggers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Who cares? Last night, we had a girls’ night out.

I was the lucky recipient of a dinner invitation from one of the coolest of coolio moms around, Sarah.

Dinner here at 7:00 with a few other mom bloggers, and sometime around midnight I climbed into bed.

So who was there?

Well there was Becky from Deep Muck Big Rake. And she brought Florida goodness for the kiddos. Thanks Becky!! This blog of Becky’s is on the newer side. You definitely have to go check her out. She’s definitely uncovering some stories that deserve your attention.

Then there was Mommy At Work. Like Sarah, MAW knows football. I also got to see her teensy weensy pedometer (oh yeah, she showed me her pedometer–jealous much?) which is very clearly not counting all of her steps.

Hitching a ride with MAW was Lumpyhead‘s Mom. She loves beer, poker and corndogs, so how could I not love her?! She also shared a secret with us–a secret that tested the laws of physics and frankly was very funny. And, it shall remain safe with me.

As if these women weren’t enough fun, our group was joined by Devra of Parentopia and DC Metro Mom fame. Let’s just say that once again I was blown away by how much energy and determination are packed into her tiny little frame–and she was wearing heels.

You might think that putting six mommybloggers together at the same table would lead to many words spoken and none heard, but that wasn’t the case at all. Conversation flowed easily, we talked sports and parenting and blogging and politics and kiddos and geography, and five hours flew by.

Thanks ladies for a terrific evening. I hope to be invited again.

25 comments » | Blogging, mommy bloggers, The Cool People

Perfectly Flawed

October 1st, 2007 — 6:07pm

To me, the most precious reward of blogging is the sense of community it provides. I can interact with witty, funny, caring people thousands of miles away and share the commonalities of experience or learn about lives I might never come to understand if it weren’t for the blogosphere. Through blogging I’ve discovered fellow political geeks, lovers of books and partners in crime. While reading blogs, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried (it’s better than Cats), and I’ve learned that no matter how different or ridiculous we might feel at times there are others out there who are brave enough to let you know that you aren’t alone.

“Overall, I thought I’d left alot of that fear-driven, decision making behind me. But as I look at my life, I realize I’ve deluded myself. The painful, ugly truth is that I’ve been too scared of rejection and failure to seize opportunities.”

These are the words written by Lisa.

I was lucky enough to get to spend time with Lisa this summer at BlogHer after months of reading her blog Midwestern Mommy. Lisa is the kind of person you like immediately. She has a warm smile and such a comfortable sense about her. She didn’t have to expose her inner self-doubt, but because she was brave enough to do so I feel a deeper connection to her and a little less alone in the world.

And my community grows.

As a way to thank Lisa, I nominated her post “Just Call Me Chicken” for a September Perfect Post Award.

For the list of all of this month’s nominees, head on over to Petroville or Suburban Turmoil.

PS–I’d like to also thank the kick-ass J. over at Absolutely Bananas for nominating me this month. She’ll probably never know how much I really appreciated the nod.

19 comments » | Awards, Blogging, BlogHer, The Cool People

Live Blogging Elizabeth Edwards Call

September 29th, 2007 — 2:01pm

It’s noisy as we all get on the call.

You can hear the excitement in the room out in San Jose. They are meeting with Mrs. Edwards at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose.

We have a few minutes until she gets into the room.

24 women in the room there. We are able to live blog. They are able to take pictures. Not allowed to podcast or invite the press.

They will introduce everyone in the room and then the Chicago and DC moms on the line will be introduced. We’re going to get as many questions asked as possible. The campaign has said that there are no questions that are off limit.

1 comment » | Blogging, DC Metro Moms, Elizabeth Edwards, Presidential Politics

The Edwards Campaign is the First

September 29th, 2007 — 1:49pm

A while back I wrote an open letter to the Presidential candidates inviting them to meet with some blogging mammas.

The Edwards campaign is the first to take us up on the offer.

At 4:00 p.m. EST today, Elizabeth Edwards will be meeting with the moms from the Silicon Valley Moms Blog and all the moms from the sister sites (Chicago Moms Blog and DC Metro Moms Blog) have been invited to participate via conference call.

Elizabeth Edwards has a history with the SV Moms. She met with them a year and a half ago while on a book tour, before her husband officially announced he was running. She spent two hours sitting down with them answering all of their questions. I know attempts have been made by the Edwards campaign to find time for the candidate himself to meet with some of us mom bloggers. And as I’ve mentioned before, I have yet to make up my mind, but I have to say the fact that the Edwards campaign is so interested in reaching out to smaller bloggers to talk about their vision for the country says quite a bit about them to me.

I’m going to try and live-blog the call. I may forget to hit publish, but I promise I will once it’s all over.

1 comment » | Blogging, DC Metro Moms, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Politics, Presidential Politics

There Ain’t No Party Like a DC Party

September 4th, 2007 — 9:07pm

That’s right. There’s a big party going on in these parts and I’m cordially inviting you all to attend. Hop on over to the new cool site–DC Metro Moms.

Today was the big launch with a press release and everything. The cool chicks behind the Silicon Valley Moms and Chicago Moms blogs decided that DC offered some unique challenges to parenting and asked some of us if we would like to start one up here.

The collection of women who are participating is just too much for a little ole blogger like me to ask for. I’m still not sure how I got invited, but they haven’t figured out yet that they asked the wrong girl so don’t tell them, ‘kay?

The blog is sure to offer a number of interesting perspectives on living in the DC area and parenting in general. I hope you’ll stop on by and say hi.

11 comments » | Blogging, DC Metro Moms, The Cool People

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