Category: Merit Badge Day

The Death of Merit Badge Day?

November 19th, 2006 — 9:29pm

Day 19
Mood: ?

Don’t know what my mood is today. I sat here and contemplated it for a bit and then realized, hey it’s my freakin’ blog and if I don’t know what my mood is well then I don’t have to tell you what it is.
Upon second thought it should probably be “pissy.”

As a matter of fact, I’ve noticed the same mood among some of my other fellow NaBloPoMo colleagues. Is it that the “forced” daily posting is starting to wear thin? Would I feel the same way if it weren’t NaBloPoMo? I’ve actually enjoyed the structure of the daily post, though at some times it’s been a race against the clock to get it in on time. I get most of my quiet time in the evening so it’s often difficult to get it in before midnight. I’m hoping the powers that be will let a 12:00 a.m. post slide.

Okay, back to Merit Badge Day

As some of you more faithful readers (all two of you) will remember Sunday is Merit Badge Day here at Mamma Loves. Now I don’t know if folks are too busy shopping for their turkeys or just feeling pretty damn good about themselves this week, but we had NOT ONE nomination this week. After three weeks of enthusiastic responses…nothing. Now I’m a fairly optimistic person (despite that my mother’s nickname for me growing up was Eeyore) so I’m not ready to declare Merit Badge Day dead, but I’m going to need some nominations this week to stay hopeful.

My badge the week:

I awarded myself a badge for having the courage to admit to my husband (a big country music fan) that I liked a country band. Yes, Sugarland. I’m loving their stuff! You must understand, as a native New Englander I’ve always had a certain predjudice against country music. Four years in New Orleans only softened it enough to open up musicians like Lyle Lovett who I consider borderline. A few year’s of Shakey’s influence did wear me down to accept my full-fledged love of Garth Brooks–it was actually watching his concert in Central Park while I was recording it for him while he was at school that changed my mind. But going out and buying a country album without some sort of prodding or nagging exposure? It’s nothing short of a miracle! And I’ve listened to the newest album probably five times in the last 24 hours. There are also a number of good songs off of their debut album. Check ’em out. See what you think.

Please make Mamma happy. Tell me what award you earned this week. I’ll be waiting…

2 comments » | Merit Badge Day, music

November 12th, 2006 — 8:14pm

Day 12
Mood: a little stressed

Feeling a bit more relaxed this evening that I’m not running up against the clock to make this post, but I have a big week ahead so I’m a bit preoccupied. This is my fair warning…I’ll be at a business conference this week. So if you receive booty comments on your blog from me, it’s just the alcohol talking.

Well I have to say, response to Merit Badge Day was phenomenal this week. Here are the highlights…

This week Mrs. Chicken earned Extreme Restraint In Face of MIL Christmas Drama Badge … my MIL actually suggested I let my toddler sleep on a sofa blocked by two chairs on Christmas night because she used to do that, instead of sleeping like civilized people in a hotel. This after 1,200 miles of driving to get to her on the holiday.

Kim took home the Composure in the Face of Torture Badge, which she earned by being indentured into attending a fund raiser for cancer at Quicken Loans Arena over the weekend. I know it doesn’t sound all that traumatic, however, this excursion involved children all around me and men in glittery outfits on the ice. The “show” was Scott Hamilton & Friends, skating to the accompaniment of none other than the sensational seventies rock icons, Three Dog Night LIVE – in person at the end of the ice. Now, nothing against ice skaters, but geeeeeeeeZussss, how the hell Three Dog Night, Scott Hamilton, his friends skating and cancer all mesh together left me baffled. Worse, the Ohio State game was on and I had a hefty bet on it. We were in the corporate suite and it was a mandatory lights out, which meant no game viewing. Throw in that my kid is an avid skater and the boss’s wife is too, well, let’s just say I had a shot or two of Jack and kept my mouth shut.

This being the first week at MBD that a theme developed we have BSuze and Kat facing down the Booger Brigade with their awards.

BSuze takes the Not Smacking the Whiney Spouse with a Cold badge. What is it about men when they get sick that makes them all frowny and bitchy? While said spouse has moped for the better part of a week and been rather ill-tempered, I have managed to keep myself and children mostly out of range and have even offered some compassionate caring, though mostly just steeing clear.


Kat earns two with “Braving Snot in the Face of Toddler Twins” They have now had their 3rd cold since Sept.


I also would like to nominate my dh for “Best Impersonation of someone dying from a cold” I understand that there are many nominees for this one.

Not to be outdone by the girls…

I’m happy to report that Eric did indeed end the week with the badge for being a constituent of the first Muslim ever elected to the U.S. Congress (Keith Ellison – Minneapolis). The Democratically-controlled U.S. Congress, that is. Please, please, please. Please let me earn this badge.

Perhaps the badge this week that makes us most say Hmmm? Our friend One Weird Mother managed to take home the Courage in the Face of Rodents badge for continuing to do laundry after washing–and drying–a mouse.

Now here at MBD everyone’s a winner no nominations necessary–though I reserve the right to highlight my faves. You need a badge? You got it! Just let us know. Let your friends know. Maybe some day we’ll figure out a way to let you post your badge on your own site (but let’s not get too crazy too fast–I’d have to cash in a LOT of chits with the hubby to get that code written and I’m leaving him with three boys for 5 days this week.)

What? My badge this week? Aren’t you nice for asking.

I got the badge for Co-Hosting a Baby Shower and Having Everything Ready Before It Started. For those of you who know Mamma’s true identity you know what a shocker this is. I’m late for everything. But I am happy to report that I even had lipstick on before the first guests arrived (okay after the second guest arrived but the first one was REALLY early).

Have a great week! And don’t forget to share with us your successes!!

1 comment » | Merit Badge Day

And For Meritorious Service We Honor…

November 5th, 2006 — 6:02pm

Day 5
Mood: Rested and Ready

Okay, last week we started Merit Badge Day here at Mamma Loves… Every Sunday we invite readers to share with us the merit badge they earned this week.

PFunky had some techinical difficulties, so here is her’s and the others reported in last week.

Firetruck Voodoo Merit Badge
: Won for getting my 2
1/2 year old son to take medicine for a very runny nose (that sent him home from nursery school) by telling him that the firemen take their medicine so they can ride the firetrucks. Since firetrucks are my son’s favorite things on the entire earth, it did the trick. In fact, I can get him to do many things as long as we talk about firetrucks along the way…

Oh, The Joys earned one for not getting malaria in Africa


One Weird Mother takes home the Bags Under My Eyes Badge. DST=toddler convinced that we should all get up for the day at 3am.

This week Mamma awards herself the Restraint in the Face of Temptation badge. Now this has nothing to do with keeping my hands out of the candy bowl or the kids bags on Halloween (or the day after, or the day after that)–though my jeans would fit much better if I had–but for not laughing directly AT my client who is worried about the outcome of the elections.

While I haven’t yet pronounced my political affiliation directly on this blog, I do think it’s pretty obvious from past posts. The elections are only two days away, so why not do it now?

I’m a Democrat. I work in DC. My first job here was working for a women’s health organization. The elections of 1994 were a heartbreak for me and especially my friends who worked on Capitol Hill. We watched the town we owned change over night. The bars we patronized were in the diverse neighborhoods of Adams Morgan and the U Street corridor. But after ’94, the new kids in power went to martini bars and smoked cigars in Georgetown {she says with a sneer}. It was sad.

ANYWAY, when my client–formerly a fundraiser for the Republican party–literally moped to me this week that the elections were going to be SOOOO bad, it took every ounce of willpower I had not to blurt out nah, nah, nah, nah heh heh and laugh maniacally. I kindly mentioned that I had lived through ’94 and I was sure he’d do the same. I then hung up and did a little jig in my office–though not a long or involved jig because I’m far too cynical not to think the Dem’s can’t still screw it up.

Whew! Sorry for getting on a roll–that happens sometimes.

Now it’s your turn. Let us know what badge you earned this week. If you don’t brag about yourself, who will?

10 comments » | Merit Badge Day, People Who Piss Me Off, Politics

Celebrate With Badges!

October 29th, 2006 — 10:25am

When I went into labor for the first time, a friend reminded me that there was no merit badge to be gained by delivering without drugs. A smart women she is; however, I think anyone who delivers or raises a child deserves truck loads of merit badges.

Has UPS lost your address? Well have no fear, Merit Badge Day is here! We all need to pat ourselves on the shoulder every once in a while (even if you haven’t delivered a child or aren’t raising one right now–I’m sure you deserve one anyway). So Sunday is now going to be Merit Badge Day here at Mamma Loves…
Every Sunday, drop on by and let us know which merit badge you earned this week. Tell your friends, encourage them to do the same. We’ll keep track and a running total of merit badges awarded.

Sound good? Okay, I’ll start.
Mr 2. had a major meltdown morning (which seems to be happening quite a bit lately). When everyone else was out of solutions to tame the full on tatrum, Mamma solved it with a pile of coloring books and a basket of crayons. While I’m sure it won’t work again next time, it worked this morning and there was peace this morning for fifteen whole minutes in a row. For this I award myself the Fire Fighting badge.

Your turn…

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