Category: music

I’m Going to see Duran Duran!!

October 16th, 2011 — 11:40am

Back in high school, I rebelled.  I didn’t swoon over popular boys found on the cover of Tiger Beat magazine.

I refused.  I saved my sighs for the boys I could see every day walking the halls.

But I loved music.  Challenge me on any 80’s tune and you will lose.  Lose I say!  I am the queen of 80’s music.  So do you have any idea how much fun I’m going to have tonight??  I’m going to see Duran Duran!

When I found I was going I thought first of my friend Andrea.  Poor Andrea was one of those girls who argued with others over which of the band members she was going to marry–lengthy conversations at the lunch table ensued. Why do I refer to Andrea with sympathy?  I wasn’t part of the conversation, and that pissed me off.  So one day I raged at Andrea.

“You’re never going to meet Duran Duran!  You will never marry any of them!  So SHUT UP!”

I still feel guilty about that today.

So tonight I will take my friend Deb to the concert with me, and you know why?  Because she told me she had a poster of Roger Taylor in her room throughout high school and she kissed him good night every single night of high school.  I can’t take Andrea because she doesn’t live close by, but Deb will enjoy the concert as much as Andrea would.

Tonight I will sing every word (okay to all the songs from the 80’s) and I will dance and I will scream and I will sigh over the boys I should have given my attention to in high school.   They would have gotten me in a lot less trouble.

1 comment » | music, Uncategorized

Though It’s Easy To Pretend

September 8th, 2008 — 1:21pm

I’m officially old.

No, I haven’t turned 40–yet, but it’s probably fair to say we’re bumping hips.

No, it’s not that I found my first gray hair. L’Oreal already sends me an annual thank you card.

And no, it’s not because I can no longer tell you who half the people are in my high school yearbook who promised they LYLAS and wanted to KIT.


The reason I’m officially old is that I rode the elevator today, and during my ride down 15 floors, wafting through the mysterious speakers that fill the space with ambient noise (where are those speakers anyway? and is do they play that music so I won’t feel so alone while I’m in there?) were the soothing sounds of George Michael–set to MUZAK!

At first I didn’t recognize the ditty, but something felt familiar. My mind kept wanting to make sense of the hypnotizing tones that seeped into my ears like alien life forms in their liquid state.

Then all of the sudden it hit me.

“Do do do da da da dada…Somebody tell me (won’t you tell me) why I work so hard for you.”


Images of crooning along with the pre-bathroom-hole-poking-George as I rode down 4th St. with my BFFs are crystal clear in my head.

But I have to face it. It’s time to grow up. When the music from your youth is set to a Casio keyboard, some strings and a bass guitar it’s time to admit it.

I’m old.

“My God. I don’t even think that I love you!”

14 comments » | I'm a dork, music

Intervention Needed STAT!

December 14th, 2007 — 11:11am

Blogging friends, if ever there was a time I needed you it is now.

I had Live with Regis and Kelly on this morning as I was getting ready (Anderson Cooper was sitting in for Regis–he’s funny and I’ll admit here I’ve watched Kelly since she was on Dance Party USA) and Michael Bolton was on singing some Christmas tunes.

Here’s the problem.

When he was chatting with Kelly and AC at the end, I actually thought to myself, “Hmmm. He’s kinda cute. I can finally see what makes the girls swoon.”


I’ve hit a new low.

Kris and Kim–my girls–come hit me over the head now before I set up my own fan page.

27 comments » | I'm a dork, music, On Being a Woman, TMI

I’m Not Breaking In, I’m Just Dancing

September 29th, 2007 — 1:16am

I’m pretty sure I was the only 37 year old mom in my neighborhood standing in her driveway this morning at 3:10 a.m. with her reading glasses on her head, waving a dish towel and channeling Christina Aguilera through her iPod.

There may have been one other, but I think she’s only 35.

Ain’t no other man
on the planet
knows what you do…

11 comments » | Christina Aguilera, dancing, I'm a dork, iPod, music

The Day My Music Died

August 16th, 2007 — 10:23pm

The radio was on in the car as we drove down the driveway, on our way to where I don’t remember anymore. I was in the front passenger seat unable to see over the dashboard of our maroon, two-door Ford LTD. I probably wasn’t wearing a seatbelt not because my mom didn’t care about me but because it was 1977.

My mom brought the car to a stop at the bottom of the driveway before she pulled out to make a left hand turn. That I remember.

The radio was tuned to an AM station, most likely AM1240 out of Waterbury, CT. I remember because we had to change our phone number not long before because it ended in those same four numbers–1-2-4-0. We were forever answering calls for song requests. After a weeks of apologizing to the callers and letting them know they had the wrong number, we just said we’d get the song right on and hang up the phone.

As she nudged the car forward to see beyond the hedges that lined our front lawn, the announcement came through the speakers.

“Elvis Presley is dead.”

Her foot went back on the brake.

“Elvis Pretzel is dead Mom?” I never could get his name right.

“Yeah,” she said, and we were both quiet for a moment–both of us processing the information in our own way. Me contemplating the finality of death; wrapping my seven year-old mind around such a horrific thought; worried that if he could die so too could the person I loved most in the world–the woman sitting next to me. And suddenly I was afraid. He couldn’t be dead! He couldn’t be gone!

“Isn’t there something someone can do?! Can’t they turn back the clock?” I asked. “No,” she said as she explained that if he was dead it was already too late. She was a nurse, and my mother, so I took her at her word letting the information sink in.

I wonder now what she was thinking when she heard the news. Elvis was the icon she grew up with. She had watched him on the Ed Sullivan Show with her family–my grandparents not understanding the draw. The cameras focused in on just his upper body. She watched over the years as he aged. She saw how he had become bloated. She saw too his comeback. But now he was gone.

Was part of her childhood gone too on that day?

Once again she inched the car forward and then turned left down the road. To where, I don’t remember.

It was just a moment in the car, at the end of the driveway, on a warm August day in 1977, but it has stayed with me for thirty years.

27 comments » | Family, In Memorium, Memories, music

Reason #4,368,724 for Why I’m So Uncool

March 26th, 2007 — 7:32pm

First, because I just used the word “uncool.” Second, because I’ve been tagged for this meme by Karrie and Lotta, but if I fulfill the request well…you’ll see.

Guidelines: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what they are. They must be songs you are presently enjoying. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.

So here it goes. I just hope you’ll still respect me in the morning.

Extra Ordinary by Better Than Ezra-Fun tune, they’re from Louisiana and Kevin Griffin is just plain hot! You should see him move when he croons. Mmmmm.

Joey by Concrete Blonde-Don’t know what it is about this song. Brings me back.

Take It Out on Me (third song down) by Fred LeBlanc-The drummer/vocalist from Cowboy Mouth and Dash Rip Rock has done some solo albums. Another Louisiana boy. An old boyfriend turned me onto this song and I’ve loved it ever since.

Grace Kelly by Mika-I have Kevin Charnas to thank for this one. It’s just so darn catchy.

Photograph by Nickelback-I’ve been a bit nostalgic for home lately. This song makes me think of…well it just makes me think.

Feeling Good by Nina Simone-Yeah the video here is from the promo for Six Feet Under, but I couldn’t find a better one. Talk about sultry.

Baby Girl by Sugarland-Sorry, there’s a brief ad in the beginning of this, but it’s worth it!! If I could sing, I might like to have this woman’s voice. Plus wait until you hear how she talks to her parents…a mother’s dream.

So that’s it. I’ve exposed you to a smattering of my musical taste. I really like almost all music. My iPod would make most people assume I suffered from a split personality. Come to think of it Shakey probably thinks I do.

I tag Canape as she’s a musician and all, MamaLee since she always has good songs anyway, Kevin because I know he’ll give us some nifty tunes, Slackermommy because there’s a shark in her photo, my british friend–let’s see if he can do it in 100 words or less, Dorky Dad just because I like tagging him and last but not least Mitch McDad because he might talk about vibrators.

Have fun!! Can’t wait to see your lists.

8 comments » | music

His Royal Purpleness

February 4th, 2007 — 10:25pm

The powers that be that put on the Super Bowl need to offer Prince whatever he wants to perform at the halftime show FOREVER!!

Despite not being a Minnesoooootan, I’m a big fan! And he did not disappoint tonight!

Billy who?

The little man rocked!!

Did you catch the part with the big white sheet and the silhouette? It’s probably the tallest Prince has ever been. Shakey wondered aloud if the same trick would work to make one’s penis look bigger. Just as he uttered it, Prince turned sideways and proved the hypothesis true–oh wait that was his guitar.

8 comments » | music

Billy! What Was That?

February 4th, 2007 — 5:46pm

I love Billy Joel. I’m so glad he’s getting back into making rock and roll. But what the hell was that version of the national anthem?

Are you watching the game? I’m sorry. You need someone who’s going to belt it out.

2 comments » | music

The Death of Merit Badge Day?

November 19th, 2006 — 9:29pm

Day 19
Mood: ?

Don’t know what my mood is today. I sat here and contemplated it for a bit and then realized, hey it’s my freakin’ blog and if I don’t know what my mood is well then I don’t have to tell you what it is.
Upon second thought it should probably be “pissy.”

As a matter of fact, I’ve noticed the same mood among some of my other fellow NaBloPoMo colleagues. Is it that the “forced” daily posting is starting to wear thin? Would I feel the same way if it weren’t NaBloPoMo? I’ve actually enjoyed the structure of the daily post, though at some times it’s been a race against the clock to get it in on time. I get most of my quiet time in the evening so it’s often difficult to get it in before midnight. I’m hoping the powers that be will let a 12:00 a.m. post slide.

Okay, back to Merit Badge Day

As some of you more faithful readers (all two of you) will remember Sunday is Merit Badge Day here at Mamma Loves. Now I don’t know if folks are too busy shopping for their turkeys or just feeling pretty damn good about themselves this week, but we had NOT ONE nomination this week. After three weeks of enthusiastic responses…nothing. Now I’m a fairly optimistic person (despite that my mother’s nickname for me growing up was Eeyore) so I’m not ready to declare Merit Badge Day dead, but I’m going to need some nominations this week to stay hopeful.

My badge the week:

I awarded myself a badge for having the courage to admit to my husband (a big country music fan) that I liked a country band. Yes, Sugarland. I’m loving their stuff! You must understand, as a native New Englander I’ve always had a certain predjudice against country music. Four years in New Orleans only softened it enough to open up musicians like Lyle Lovett who I consider borderline. A few year’s of Shakey’s influence did wear me down to accept my full-fledged love of Garth Brooks–it was actually watching his concert in Central Park while I was recording it for him while he was at school that changed my mind. But going out and buying a country album without some sort of prodding or nagging exposure? It’s nothing short of a miracle! And I’ve listened to the newest album probably five times in the last 24 hours. There are also a number of good songs off of their debut album. Check ’em out. See what you think.

Please make Mamma happy. Tell me what award you earned this week. I’ll be waiting…

2 comments » | Merit Badge Day, music

And So It Begins

November 1st, 2006 — 8:10pm

So today is the day. Thirty consecutive days of posts. I think I’m up to the challenge, though I can’t promise any level of quality for thirty days in a row.

The two big hurdles I see are Thanksgiving (can you say turkey coma?) and the business trip I have in a couple of weeks. Business trips of course mean cocktails. So here’s a question (or three)…is it better to miss a day during NaBloPoMo or to engage in drunk blogging? Is it possible to booty blog? Maybe more likely to booty comment, huh? If you get comments from me on your blog any time between the 15th and the 17th and I’m telling you how hot your posts are, just copy and paste it back to me so I can die a thousand deaths of embarrasment. Cause I would understand and expect it. What good is a drunk person if you can’t make fun of them?

Please excuse me while I step into the other room to turn off the Little Einsteins DVD that seems to be stuck on the menu screen–playing that blasted song over and over and over again.

Ahh, relative quiet.

While the Little Einsteins are in theory great, and not so bad when you have to sit through them, I can’t help but be pissed every time I think about how much money that Julie what’s her toes made off of some badly filmed sock puppets. How the HELL did she convince Disney to buy her little fiefdom? And why the HELL did every mother my age (myself included) feel compelled to buy those tapes/DVDs for their children?

Because it kept them quiet for twenty minutes in a row!

Mr. 4 first exhibited his Y gene trait of TV tunnel vision at six weeks whenever Baby Mozart was slipped into the VCR (yeah we were late to get on the DVD train). Just enough time to shove a plate full of dinner into my face before it was time to feed him once again.

Okay, so maybe that woman deserves a Nobel prize.

2 comments » | music, People Who Piss Me Off, Spirits

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