Category: TMI

Why I Love St. Patrick’s Day–It’s Not What You Think

March 17th, 2008 — 5:51pm

I have a fondness for this day we celebrate our collective Irish heritage–both real and imagined.

I don’t necessarily imbibe in green beer, though I have, and I did enjoy corned beef and cabbage today (a first). I don’t love St. Patrick’s Day because I’m particularly fond of bagpipes or long lines at Irish Pubs.

I love St. Patrick’s Day because I’m adopted.

I’ve always known I was adopted. I went straight from the hospital to my parents. I’m taller than both my parents, but I am a brunette like my mom. Like many modern families, my parents divorced and my mom remarried when I was 10, so I mainly grew up without anyone questioning if I was adopted because they knew the guy I called my dad was actually my step-father.

In my sister’s case, the fact of her adoption was a little more obvious. My first real memories are of the events surrounding her adoption when I was 3 1/2. She actually went home with her biological family for a few months before coming to us and we know that she is of Puerto Rican descent.

My sister and I look nothing alike–but I tend to forget. As a matter of fact, when my nephew (now my eldest son–different story for a different day) was born he looked so much like my sister that I cried when I met him because I finally felt like I looked like someone I knew.

So what does this all have to do with St. Patrick’s Day? I’m getting there.

In my twenties, I requested the non-identifying information about my adoption from the agency that handled it. Honestly, I wasn’t looking for much information, though I did discover I had been given another first name at birth (my mom swears she told me this–I contend that’s not something I would have forgotten) and that my birth parents weren’t related by blood (Phew! Dodged that bullet! Shit I hadn’t even contemplated the possibility.) I was interested in a totally different piece of information. There was only one thing I wanted to know–one little thing that has always bugged me.

I want to know my ethnic background.

As an adoptee, I’ve never been too interested in finding my biological parents, but I have wanted to feel some connection to those who have come before me. To be able to stake a claim to an ethnic “home country” feels like it would give me a sense of my place in the chain of human events.

So there I was, scanning through the documents I received from the agency, finding out that my name had been Emily for a few days and my birth parents were young and probably “made” me in the back of a Trans-Am with Led Zepplin blaring on the AM radio, when my eyes found the box containing the information I had been searching for.

Ethnic heritage: American


My blue eyes, dark hair and plethora of freckles suggest that this didn’t mean Native American.

My physical characteristics suggest I’m Irish. I once dated a self-proclaimed “black Irish” guy and it was somewhat awkward to kiss in public, because people often thought we were siblings.

Does it make sense now why I love St. Patrick’s Day?

It’s the one day a year I get to have a nationality–even if I don’t have proof.

19 comments » | Adoption, Family, Holidays, I'm a dork, TMI

The Post I Might Delete Later

March 8th, 2008 — 9:50pm

I’m in a really bad mood. Lately, I haven’t posted when this happens because I worry what I might say when I do. Too many people I care about stop by here on occasion and I don’t want them to fret over me.

But today I remembered that my attraction to writing developed during my teen years as a way to get the thoughts out of my head. As a fairly outgoing person, you might be surprised by the size of the crowd and level of volume that can be reached in my brain.

I don’t hear voices per se (cause damn if I did they might have answers), but rather have conversations with myself–constantly.

So back in those hormone-filled days of angst, I often wrote letters to people as a way to say the things I didn’t feel I could say/or didn’t have the opportunity to say in person. I never sent the letters. I don’t remember burning any of them. Who knows? My mom could be sitting on a stack of them right now waiting for the perfect time to embarrass the crap out of me. The letters didn’t necessarily make me feel any better, but they seemed to quiet the sounds that prevented me from noticing the rest of the world and moving on.

Like many bloggers I know, I do keep a private blog where, to this day, I still write letters. Interestingly, putting my thoughts out there feels safer than recording them in a journal that someone might happen upon. There is further irony to that blog, but for now I’ll enjoy that by myself.

Do you have a place you write that is separate from your public blog? Are there topics that you only cover there?

As I wander through the blogosphere I read about a vast number of topics that are finally seeing the light of day. Moms are opening up about topics ranging from sex to the trials of PPD. Women are discussing the frustration and heartbreak of infertility. People of all walks of life are sharing the trials of serious illness, depression, racism, bullying, addiction, the death of loved ones and abuse. These brave people are sharing a part of themselves in a way that allows the rest of us to not feel so alone in the world. In my mind, they are the pillars of the social networking community.

What I’ve noticed though is that there seems to be one topic that remains fairly off limits (unless addressed anonymously). I understand why. Many people have discussed their reasons for not talking about it. I see this in my real life friendships too.

I just have to ask though…when will we all stop pretending like marriage is easy??

52 comments » | Marriage, TMI, Writing

Yet Another Post to Help You Feel Better About Yourself

January 19th, 2008 — 11:37am

So yesterday I was in the bathroom at work.

(Nothing ever ends well with that type of introduction.)

Apparently, I was in there for a bit and so at “completion” I didn’t realize that my right foot had fallen asleep. I discovered it quickly however when I stood up and promptly fell over hitting the top of my head on the door to the stall.

This is my life.

22 comments » | TMI

A Peek Behind the Curtain

January 3rd, 2008 — 1:33pm

First, Happy New Year!

Second, allow me to let down the facade of the self-possessed, organized, energetic, happy and productive woman/sex goddess/mother/wife/employee that I love to fantasize is really me.

What?! You weren’t fooled? Sheesh.

It’s only January 3rd and I’m having a panic attack at this very moment. I feel so overwhelmed by the incredible number of obligations hanging over my head. The very anxiety they are causing is further preventing me from accomplishing any of it.

My hope is that by sending this out to the world some of it will diminish, so I can go back to my peaceful world of soft, furry unicorns and rainbow-striped excrement. It’s such a happier place…and way more colorful.

24 comments » | On Being a Woman, TMI

Intervention Needed STAT!

December 14th, 2007 — 11:11am

Blogging friends, if ever there was a time I needed you it is now.

I had Live with Regis and Kelly on this morning as I was getting ready (Anderson Cooper was sitting in for Regis–he’s funny and I’ll admit here I’ve watched Kelly since she was on Dance Party USA) and Michael Bolton was on singing some Christmas tunes.

Here’s the problem.

When he was chatting with Kelly and AC at the end, I actually thought to myself, “Hmmm. He’s kinda cute. I can finally see what makes the girls swoon.”


I’ve hit a new low.

Kris and Kim–my girls–come hit me over the head now before I set up my own fan page.

27 comments » | I'm a dork, music, On Being a Woman, TMI

Thank Heaven for Little Memes

November 25th, 2007 — 9:57pm

I’ve been pretty bad about responding to tags recently. It’s not that I’m not humbled to be thought of–trust me I love it thank you–I’ve just been off the meme thing recently.

Pulling into the homestretch of NaBloPoMo during this holiday weekend has me digging deep to put words on a page, so I’m leaning on the support.

First a thanks to my NY friend ~JJ! for the Me and Mine Meme.

Here’s the deets:

Me and Mine Meme 100 Directions:
1.) State the name of your blog, your real name or your online name, and link to your “about me” page.
2.) Say you want to be profiled on BlogHer as a family blogger and link back to this Me and Mine 100 original post,
3.) Tell how long you’ve been blogging.
4.) Pass this meme on to three other bloggers that you think should be profiled/interviewed, and ask them to do the meme. (Kindly link to the bloggers you select.)

1. You’re here at Mamma Loves… I’m Amie and if you look to left of the page you can read all about me–or just head on back through the archives.

2. I’d love to be profiled on BlogHer as a family blogger.

3. I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half.

4. I’m passing this along to Arkie Mama, Andi from Poot and Cubby and Slackermommy.

Now I haven’t done this in a while, so when Cristie at Krinkle’s Place asked, I thought what the heck.

Seven Things About Me

1. I like to tell myself I’m prematurely grey, though at age 37 I’m not so sure it’s that premature anymore.

2. I love taking photographs. I’m REALLY hoping for a digital SLR camera for Christmas. It’s that or the umpires are going to get pretty annoyed with me next season when I block the base path trying to take close-ups of my ballplayers.

3. My mom’s only sister–my aunt–died of liver cancer seven years ago. I still miss her every day. She was so much a part of my life.

4. I have an innie.

5. When I first get into bed at night I arrange myself with the pillow doubled up under my neck and the blanket pulled up to my chin. I can’t fall asleep this way though. I always turn over on my stomach to actually drift off, yet I never lay down this way first.

6. If I wake up at night from a bad dream or I can’t sleep because I’m worried about something I make sure some part of my body is touching my husband. It calms me down immediately.

7. I have vivid dreams. They are realistic. They are in color. And I almost always remember them. I think I need to cut back on the Diet Coke.

Seven Bloggers tagged using the NaBloPoMo Randomizer and MommyBlogger Group

1. Oh, Nothing
2. Canned Laughter
3. VDog and Little Man
4. Mom’s the Word
5. Chik Austin (I love her shoes!)
6. Mama(e) in Translation
7. Reality Testing

Go forth folks and tell us about yourselves.

5 comments » | Meme, TMI

Name Schmame

November 7th, 2007 — 8:26pm

When I got married I was still the young, idealistic mamma who thought she was going to save the world. I was working for a reproductive rights advocacy organization and therefore with a number of women who were shocked by my decision to take my husband’s last name upon marriage. I explained that changing my name wasn’t a big hang-up for me.

My husband never assumed I’d take his name. I don’t know that we ever discussed it really. Maybe because I didn’t feel pressured I was happy to do it. I knew it meant something to his older relatives and frankly, I just didn’t care. Our last name is a good strong name. It’s pretty common and it put me right up at the beginning of the alphabet, which makes it easy to find my nametag at big conferences.

After our wedding, I changed my name on all my credit cards (in all honesty Shakey took care of that as I’m not really the best with those kinds of details), my business cards, my insurance cards and my driver’s license. I never really got around to changing it on my Social Security card, because really who has time to wait at the Social Security office?? The IRS didn’t seem to mind. The forms had this great little check box for people like me who filed under a different name than their Social Security card. Obviously the DMV didn’t care as they were happy to issue my license and even retake my photo to ensure the best shot on that little card (oh how I miss that old license).

Years go by. I’ve completely adapted to my new last name. I got over the momentary hesitation that takes place when having to interrupt your signature with a new set of letters half way through. We bought a house. We had children. And, oh yeah, September 11 occurred.

Meanwhile, my license expired.

So I haul myself down to the DMV with a toddler and infant in tow and all the appropriate documents. I take a number, fill out some forms and wait for my number to be called. Hand the papers to the woman, I’m shuttled to another line and wait for my turn in front of the camera. Photo taken, move to another line to await my new license. Toddler running circles around me, infant getting ansty in his stroller and I continue to wait. Finally, I’m called up to a special desk where I am informed that I cannot renew my license because the name on my license is different than the one on my Social Security card. *#&$)(@@*! Patriot Act!

Now I was a big talker up above, “I didn’t care about my last name” blah, blah, blah. I was irate!! Everything was just fine as it was. I was using my married name in day to day life, but at the heart of it I was still the old mamma because my one last official document had my pre-married name. I didn’t want to change, but those beasts at the DMV (sorry any precious DMV working readers) are a tough bunch and they weren’t going to budge. Poor mamma was not going to get a new driver’s license that day.

Stubborn woman that I am, I stormed out of the office vowing not to give in. But then there was that whole driving on an expired license thing that no matter of my brother-in-law being a police officer was going to help. A few days later, I admitted defeat and resigned myself to an afternoon of waiting in the Social Security office.

Yada, yada, yada, I find an afternoon to leave work early, spend three hours waiting to have my number called and finally get my turn at the desk. Having accepted the fact that I am going to have to change my last name on my SS card, I proudly hand my marriage license over to the woman behind the counter. She takes one look at it and says, “I’m sorry. We can’t accept this.”

Wha?? Huh?? I didn’t get married in Cuba or China or even Las Vegas. I have an official document from the state of Massachusetts. “Whadda you mean you can’t accept it?” I am then informed that my document is too old (five years by this time) to be accepted. “Sorry, new rules since September 11.” “Do you have your driver’s license?” she asks. Knowing it contains my new name, I quickly hand it over. “Well we can’t accept this either since it’s expired.” At this point, I being looking around for hidden cameras. “So let me get this straight,” I say. “I can’t renew my driver’s license because my Social Security card has a different name and I can’t get a new Social Security card because my my driver’s license is expired?” “Yes,” she says with a straight face, and I’m told to sit back down to wait for someone behind the opaque door to come out and get me.

Let’s just say that by this time I was pissed and my ass was sore from sitting in those hard plastic chairs for three hours. I finally get called back and the woman lists off all of the possible documents I could use change my name: a marriage license–nope mine’s too old; a driver’s license–nope mine is expired; a court order changing my name–funny I don’t have one of those handy.

At this point, I’ve rummaged through my bag pulling out every credit card, library card, insurance card and random piece of mail I have with my married name on it. Nothing is acceptable. To each document I proffer, she calmly states that she can’t do anything about the law. You know, national security and all.

At our apparent stalemate, she consults her list of acceptable documents one last time and says I could use a medical document with my new name on it. I’m now envisioning a visit to my doctor’s office to get a copy of my charts and coming back to the SS office another afternoon to go through this all over again.

And then I remember an old prescription I never filled in the zip pocket of my bag!

I unfold the paper, hand it over to her and she examines it. Understand this is a basically a Word document printed on a generic laser printer with an incomprehensible signature on the bottom authorizing a pharmacy to dispense me the mini-pill (I didn’t want to worry about the spotting). She gets up, asks me to wait there and takes my paper back to some higher authority to determine it’s validity. After a few minutes she comes back and tells me they’ll accept it, but they can only use the name for my new SS card as it appears on this document, which just so happens to be my first name, the initial of my maiden name (with no period) and my married last name. I’ve been defeated. This is not my name–not the name I wanted–except the government has now said it is.

I’d like to pause for a second. In case you missed it, I could not renew my license originally because of the Patriot Act. Then I couldn’t use my valid marriage license as proof of my new last name because of the tightened security procedures, but I was allowed to get a brand new social security card with a Word document! Do you feel safe??

Anyway, my original plan had been to have my first, middle, maiden and married name (yes all four) listed on my SS card. I would never use all of them on a day to day basis, but I wanted to keep them all, because you see I’m currently on my second first name, my first middle name and my third last name.

I was given a first name at birth. When I was adopted ten days later, I was given a different first name. After my mom got remarried many years later, my last name was changed to my step-father’s and now I’ve taken on my husband’s. In a way, you can see how I really didn’t have a problem changing my name as it had been changed so many times already, but I didn’t want to lose that middle name. It’s the one name I’ve had that hasn’t ever changed. Alas, I still consider it part of my name, but as far anything official is concerned, it’s gone.

Yes, this entirely too long, drawn out story was just my way of telling you that I’m adopted. Remember? I promised I was going to start revealing more personal details.

25 comments » | Adoption, Names, People Who Piss Me Off, TMI

I’ll Give You an Excuse

September 23rd, 2007 — 7:27pm

I wear my excessive weight like a suit of armor. It gives me an excuse for you not to notice me or like me. Then when you don’t want to interract with me I know it’s not because of me–of who I am–but because who wants to talk to the fat girl??

Ironically, I snuggle into my armor time and again anticipating the comfort that awaits, but as soon as it’s on I realize it doesn’t fit. It’s too tight. It becomes hard to move. My heart can’t beat as loudly with it on. Of course, when I go to take it off I realize I can’t. I’m stuck.

And there I am–alone. Exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place.

I’m so uncomfortable I don’t think I can stand it one more minute. But, the task of exposing myself once again is frightening. The job of disassembling the intricate fit from the inside out is formidable. I feel so helpless, and I begin to lose my will to try.

So there is one more reason for you to turn away in disgust.

Cold, hard, lazy, unwilling yet needy, needy, needy. Why would you stop to engage me?

Please though. Just for a moment understand I wasn’t always this way. It’s just so much easier if I give you a reason not to like me before you decide you don’t.

It’s very lonely in here. I know that will never change as long as I keep the armor on. I just need to remember it’s never serves as protection but rather a wall.

35 comments » | TMI

Organizationally Challenged

September 17th, 2007 — 6:31pm

That’s the nice way to say I’m a slob, right?

Don’t get me wrong. I love clean spaces. I love uncluttered homes. I love for my space to be light and easy on the eye, but I CAN’T SEEM TO MAKE THAT OCCUR IN MY LIFE!

Can you tell I’m frustrated?

I’ve been this way forever. Ask my mom. The poor woman tried to teach me better. She’s the most organized woman I know. She cleaned my room so many “one last times” when I was a kid. No matter what her threats, it always fell apart. Because of this I started doing my own laundry at a fairly young age.

My office isn’t usually bad. My car can be kept neat for long periods as long as no one else ever drives it, but my house? UGH!

My messiness does not tend to get in the way of my ability to do things. I can always find my keys. I know where my important papers are. Usually I can find both shoes in a pair. The clutter and the unkempt look of things stresses me out though. So you’d think I’d do something about it. But I don’t. I can find a gagillion other things I’d rather do. And if I get it partially organized? It falls apart after a few days.

I know there’s probably some deep-seeded “issue” I haven’t dealt with that makes this so. Some of Fly Lady’s thoughts hit home (yes, I even thought about trying Fly Lady but I could never get my sink clean to start). But really! It’s just stuff.

I don’t know what I want to hear from you dear readers. Tell me how it works for you. Tell me you suffer the same challenges. Tell me if you WERE organizationally challenged by now you’re reformed. If you have recovered, I want you to pour your secrets into that comment box. PLEASE.

I’m tired. I need to sleep. See, another thing I’d rather do than organize my life.

I don’t feel like I am really a grown up until I can have a house that looks put together. Hmmmm……

PS–I don’t want you all getting the wrong idea. There aren’t old milk cartons piled in the corners. You don’t have to weave through stacks of magazines to get from one room to another, but there is a big pile of clothes in my room which has become a permanent fixture in my room around which I must decorate.


35 comments » | Organization, TMI

Just Another Tuesday Night at Bingo

August 22nd, 2007 — 5:15pm

Can you spot the drag queen?

41 comments » | Out with the Girls, TMI

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